Missing Dada

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Namjoon was fussy for Yoongi the next morning. Seokjin had to go to work early so Namjoon didnt get to see his dada like every morning. 

"Come on honey please?" Yoongi begged as he tried to feed Namjoon his breakfast. The baby tried to pull away and cried. 

"Dada!" He cried louder, his face grew redder by the minute. Yoongi tried rocking him, feeding him, and changing him but nothing worked.

He finally decided just to call Seokjin. When he called Seokjin he turned it to facetime so Namjoon could see him.

Namjoons cried died down when he saw and heard Seokjin. 

"D-dada!" He called out.

"Oh my poor baby, dada is so sorry he left before you woke up." Seokjin cooed at his baby's red face.

Namjoon stuffed his fingers in his mouth and just stared at his dada. He babbled as if he was telling Seokjin something.

"How about you eat for your Yoonie okay? Dada will be home right after your nap." Seokjin said even though he knew the baby didnt understand.

Yoongi had an idea, he kept Seokjin on the phone while he fed Namjoon, the baby finally ate and finished his breakfast. Yoongi clapped," yay good job Joonie!" 

Namjoon heard the clapping, smiled and started clapping, "ba...by!"

"Yes you did so well." Seokjin praised. Yoongi picked up the already made bottle and fed Namjoon. The baby contently drank his milk while looking at Seokjin.

Seokjin had to get back to work so Yoongi hung up. Namjoon didnt seem to notice since Yoongi was trying to burp him. 

When Namjoon was finally calm and laid on his blanket (more like crawling away) Yoongi decided he needed to put together the playpen Seokjin had bought. 

He bought the playpen when Namjoon was born and hadn't set up, seeing he didnt need to at the time. Now that Namjoon liked to explore he needed it.

Yoongi began working on it, Namjoon crawled around and sat down in front of Yoongi. However, Yoongi was busy with the playpen. 

Namjoon pouted and bounced on his bottom, "ba!"

Yoongi looked up and saw the baby crawl then sit down. Getting the idea, Yoongi clapped," good job Namjoonie, now be good for uncle Yoonie, yeah?" 

Namjoon had his pacifier in his mouth, his eyes watched his uncle in amazement. The playpen was almost completely put together already.

Yoongi finally set it up, putting Namjoons favorite toys,his blankie, favorite pillows, and another huge blanket. 

When it was finished he put Namjoon inside and watched as the baby exploded. He was being mischievous crawling around and banging his hands on the pillows. 

"Ba ba!" He reached up to Yoongi, thinking he had set him down to grab something. 

When Seokjin was home full time, or when hes home he always carried Namjoon and only set him down to grab something.

Which is why the baby was now reaching up.

He started whining when his uncle didnt pick him back up. The tears started forming.

"Oh Joonie dont cry, look all your friends are with you." Yoongi picked up one of the stuffies. That couldnt pacify the crying boy. He wanted to be held.

"Your dada has you so spoiled." Yoongi chuckled as he picked him up. The playpen would have to wait. 

When Seokjin returned home he smothered Namjoon in love, was Yoongi even here anymore?

When Namjoon was in his bed, down for the night Seokjin smiled nervously at Yoongi.


"He has to get his shots tomorrow."Seokjin rubbed the back of his neck.

"Let me guess, you want me to go so I can keep him occupied for you." Yoongi said, crossing his arms. 

"Would you?"

"Of course hyung."

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