Sick Day

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In the morning when Namjoon woke up, he asked for Sooyoung to carry him. Being the spoiled child he is, she carried him to breakfast. 

He sat,more like stood, in his chair while eating. He fed some of his breakfast to Monie (dont tell his dada), and finished quickly. 

"I need to go to the pet store for Monies tag."

"M wanna go! Take Monie!" Namjoon jumped in his seat. Seokjin knew he wouldn't hear the end of it. So, all of them went to get Monies tag. 

While the couple made the tags, Namjoon was in the basket with Monie. 

"Das a fishy! Dada like 'atch em!" Namjoon pointed at the goldfish. He was talking to Monie while Seokjin pushed them around the store.

Once they got all they needed, Seokjin checked out and got them in the car.  Monie was next to Namjoons carseat with his new collar and tags. 

Monie would lick Namjoon hand, making the boy squeal. Seokjin chuckled and watched from the front seat. Sooyoung was driving, they finally arrived home. 

Namjoon and Monie were in the backyard all day together.  Running around, playing fetch, even laying on the ground. 

It had started raining so the two were rushed inside, and dried. 

After changing Namjoons clothes, Sooyoung got him settled down for a nap.

Seokjin made them tea as they were taking a well deserved break. "You know, my parents are excited to meet you and Namjoon." Sooyoung said.

"I'm excited to meet them too, when is a good time?" Asked Seokjin as he sipped the hot tea. 

"I'll ask them when, let's find a movie while Joonie sleeps, yeah?"

Seokjin nodded and put their cups on the cabinet. Once they settled on a movie, they cuddled close and watched.

When the movie ended, Seokjin was asleep so Sooyoung went to check on Namjoon. When she walked in Namjoon was still asleep, which was unusual. 

She decided to wake him up, "hey Joonie, you okay?" She gently shook him. 

Namjoon whined and stuffed his head further into the pillow. Sooyoung saw the sweat on his forehead and placed her hand gently on his cheek.

He was hot to the touch so she gently picked him up, "hey Joonie do you feel icky?" Namjoon nodded and kept his face hidden.

"You poor thing, let's go see Dada, yeah?" Sooyoung carried him into the livingroom where Seokjin was still asleep.

"Wake up Jinnie." Sooyoung gently nudged him. Seokjin woke up and sleepily looked at them, "hm?"

"Little Namjoonie is sick." 

Seokjin sat up and took the boy into his arms, "oh my sweet boy is icky, huh?" Seokjin tucked a hair behind Namjoons ear and rubbed his back.

"Let's get some medicine." He carried the boy into the bathroom. Looking in the medicine cabinet for the children's medicine he always kept just in case.

"Dada m tiwed." The boy made grabby hands to his dada to be held again. Seokjin had set him on the cabinet to take his temperature and pour the right medicine.

"I know bugga, but I need you to take some medicine first." Namjoons symptoms were for a common cold.

Seokjin assumed it was from being caught in the rain. He was thankful it was only a cold and nothing worse. When the medicine was measured he held the small medicine cup to the boy.

"Can you take this for me?" 

Namjoon shook his head and covered his mouth. It was always a battle for him to take medicine. When the boy refused Seokjin kept trying to coax him into taking it.

"How about we go get some juice, and you can drink it right after the medicine?" He offered. The 3 year old whined, but nodded. 

"Alright let's get juice then." Seokjin picked the boy up and carried him to the kitchen. He still had the medicine with him.

Sitting Namjoon on the cabinet,  he got a sippy cup and filled it with juice. When the cup was filled and sealed tightly, he handed it to Namjoon.

"Okay ready...1...2...3!" Namjoon quickly swallowed the small cup of medicine and drank his juice. 

Seokjin picked him up and carried him to the livingroom. Sooyoung was on the couch and smiled at the father a d son duo.

Namjoon was drinking his juice and laying on Seokjin pitifully. They were covered with a blanket as he fell back asleep.

"Goodness, poor boy doesn't feel well." Sooyoung placed a small kiss on Namjoon hot cheek.

Monie jumped on the couch and licked Namjoons hand. He whimpered when Namjoon didnt pet him like usual when he licked the boys hand.

Sooyoung pet Monie, "he will be okay Monie, Namjoonie just needs rest."

The poor boy was asleep in Seokjins arms, drooling and lightly holding his sippy cup that was almost empty. Monie gently nudged his nose under Namjoons hand that was dangling.

The couple smiled and pet the pup. They really were bestfriend even in the short timespan they had spent together prior.

"I'm gonna go lay him in bed." Seokjin said as he carried him to Namjoons room. He laid the boy in bed, the bed being low enough for Monie to jump onto.

The pup jumped and laid next to his precious Namjoon. 

Seokjin cooed and chuckled, "is he your baby now Monie?"

Monie nudged closer to Namjoon. "I'll take that as a yes." Seokjin chuckled and left the room. Monie was obviously gonna stay with 'his baby'.

Seokjin was able to wake Namjoon up for dinner and gave him a nice warm bath. Namjoon was sniffling and sneezed at times.

His poor little nose was as red as a tomato, as well as his cheeks, by bedtime. Seokjin hoped the allergy medication would help give the boy a good nights sleep.

Even with the medicine, Namjoon had been awake most of the night. He eventually ended up sleeping in Seokjin and Sooyoungs bed.

He cuddled up to Seokjin mostly, little sniffles from his runny nose. Seokjin stroked his back and kissed his forehead, " poor thing you feel so icky."

In the morning, Namjoon still had a runny nose and coughed a bit. Seokjin got a doctors appointment for the boy.

The appointment was for the next day. So Seokjin called into work while Sooyoung went to work. Namjoon laid with Seokjin majority of the time.

His legs had become stiff so he sat up. "Hey Joonie, how about we color?" 

Namjoon sniffled and nodded weakly. So Seokjin gently laid him down and got the coloring materials. When he had everything set up Namjoon colored a few pages.

Seokjin colored with him (per his request). It made him happy to see his sick little boy still being positive. 

Seokjin made soup for lunch, and laid him down for a much needed nap. Namjoon was able to sleep for an hour at the most.

Namjoon laid on Sooyoung when she returned home. He was clinging to her the whole night.

Now it was just time for his doctors appointment.

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