| - | Game START: Shokugeki no Soma

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| before we begin |

hello! welcome to another one of my fanfics, well specifically my second fanfic. i'm actually really excited to write this fanfic because i'm a huge fan of shokugeki no soma or food wars and i think its a wonderful anime. i also realised that there are such few fanfics on sns and i personally think that is a crime. this anime really needs more love from the fanfic community ✋😩😭 (btw i am not including one shots).

so there are a few things that i wanna mention before we get into this fanfic because i don't wanna get my ass whooped for not saying anything 🤠;


| 01 | lowercase intended

| 02 | inspired by; "Gamemode: Shokugeki no Soma"
by @OllveyCrage (please don't sue me)

| 03 | the reader is an oc of mine so if you wanna read a
reader insert this is not the book for you

| 04 | the reader will be a mary sue character but like
helping in the sidelines if ya know what i mean

| 05 | i will include some really bad puns because
i can't help myself and why not

| 06 | will include swearing and profanity so children
shield your eyes pLeAsE

| 07 | i may include some "after takes" just for the hell of it

| 08 | i'm ageing down some people so please don't question the
logic of the year graduated and the age of the person, it's a ff so shush

| 09 | there will be quite a decent amount of fluff in this fanfic so if ya
don't like fluff you are free to leave

| 10 | the reader will use she/her pronouns but male, female and
non-binary readers are always welcome

| 11 | i don't own shokugeki no soma or food wars it belongs to;
yūto tsukuda and shun saeki


ok so thats about all i think i'm gonna be mentioning, if theres something else i forgot to mention i'll probably just edit this chapter and add it. also like i don't have access to internet right now and i'm actually crying because i have nothing to do because ya girl forgot to download fanfics to read offline, and also i live on the fucking internet so i don't go outside, plus it's night and i need to listen to my lofi to sleep 😩😔

n e wayssss, wish me luck tonight and hopefully i actually get sleep and have internet tomorrow because i still have to publish the chapters that i'm gonna write tonight. i also remembered that i have to add like some gifs to the story so hopefully my flat ass doesn't forget because i would actually cry.

ok, i hope yall enjoy this story now sit back and relax as you read;

"Game START: Shokugeki no Soma"




| enjoy |

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