| 05 | the madonna of the polar star

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as soon as classes end, i walk towards the polar star dormitory, i didn't need to get the polar star admission guide since i was already given that when i received my uniform a few days ago. it took me a few minutes to get there but i got there, pretty quickly as well seeing as the sun is still setting and soma still isn't here, 'i'll just wait for soma after i pass'.

i knock on the doors to the dorm and there i was greeted by fumio-san. "jiyu, it's nice to see you. i take it you're taking the dorm exams?" she asks me. "of course fumio-san, why else would i be here?"

(as said in the character profile, jiyu is affiliated with alumni and some staff from totsuki so it's only right she knows about fumio-san same goes for chapelle-sensei last chapter)

"alright then, you already know where the kitchen is so go there and start making your dish. theres some extra ingredients there you can use and also the ingredients you brought with you."

"alright, i'll get to it then." i say with a smile then i walk towards the kitchen and look at the ingredients. 'perfect' i think with a smirk, 'they have enough ingredients for some chicken nuggets.' i then get to work preparing the chicken and cutting them into bite sized pieces. i then marinate them with a marinade that is mixed my special mexican spice mix and let it sit.

i then create my batter which consists of flour, breadcrumbs, an egg, salt, turmeric and water. i grab the chicken, dip it in the batter the put it in the oil that i was heating up. once i was done cooking i set the chicken onto some tissue paper to soak up the oil.

i serve it with a red wine barbecue sauce on the side and some rosemary sprinkled on top. "bon appetit" i say as i set the dish on the table in front of fumio-san. "some chicken nuggets jiyu? well i suppose this is you we're talking about so i'm in for a treat." she says with a slight smirk.

she then takes a bite out of the chicken and moans "jiyu, this tastes amazing~ the way you seasoned the chicken makes me feel like i'm in mexico."

"just wait until you taste it with the sauce fumio-san." i reply with a grin. as soon as i said that, she dips the chicken into the barbecue sauce and takes a bite out of it. "the taste of the red wine paired with the mexican spice adds a touch of elegance to the dish so that's why i decided to pair the two flavors up. it has a nice contrast but compliments each other well." i explain.

"you're right jiyu. you did amazing~ you definitely pass. your dish makes me feel like i'm in my prime dancing in mexico with a glass of wine. this is excellent!" she exclaimes. she then stands up and hands me a pair of keys. "here's your keys, the room you're staying at is 302, so go ahead and make yourself comfortable." she says with a smile then sits back down to finish the chicken.

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