| 07 | meat master ikumi!

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it was now the next day from whatever the hell yesterday was... like they made us have a race on whoever can prepare a salmon the fastest. of course i won but like, i almost chopped my fingers so much then 😭. n e ways, i woke up pretty early once again at around 4:30am.

i pick up a piece of paper and start writing a note on it that says:


"hello and good morning isshi-senpai!
if you're looking for me, i'm probably downstairs making or drinking a cup
of coffee, so if you need me for anything, just look in the cafeteria.
i also wake up early everyday so if you ever need me and i'm not in my
room, just check downstairs.
-much love, yu-chan ❤️"


i leave it on my bedside table for when isshi-senpai starts crawling in the ceiling calling me to work at the garden. after i do that, i put on my windbreaker on top of my sleep wear (sleep wear consists of sports bra and shorts, that's you're sleep wear from now on okay? ok)

i bring a book with me and start walking downstairs to the kitchen and start boiling some water for my coffee. as soon as the water boils, i take it off the stove and put coffee and sugar into my cup then pour the hot water in. i stir it around and go into the cafeteria to sit down and read my book while drinking coffee.

isshiki starts crawling through the ceiling to wake some people up to work at the garden. he then reaches your room and as he opens the ceiling panel he doesn't see you there but instead a note left on your bedside table.

he then gets down from the ceiling using a ladder he took from his room and started reading the note. after reading, he placed the note back on the bedside table and left your room with a smile.

back to you
while reading, i heard some footsteps coming from the doorway, assuming its isshi-senpai i greet him with a, "good morning senpai!" and a smile. i then look up from my book to see isshi-senpai in his uhhhh... i don't know what to call it but that white fabric that covers his crotch area.

i deadpan at him asking, "do you ever wear clothes senpai?..." he then sheepishly rubs his neck then asks, "ehe... never mind that, i need your help at the garden can you come outside with me?"

"uhhh yeah sure senpai, let me just put on a shirt." i then get up, finish my coffee and go upstairs to put back my book and to put on a brown short-sleeve polo shirt.

i go back downstairs, out on some boots and head to the dorm's backyard to help isshi-senpai till the soil. a few minutes into tilling the soil, ryoko, shun and megumi start filing into the backyard.

"morning darlings!" i greet them with a close eyed smile while wiping my forehead off of sweat. they greeted me back with a blush and head to work.


"good morning soma-kun, yoshino-kun!" isshi-senpai greets the two who has a deadpanned sweatdropping expression on their faces. "good morning my dears!~" i greet with a smile while turning to them 'that managed to make them blush a little'. "just don't mind what senpai is wearing... uhhh... it's gonna be an ongoing theme i guess." i add on with a sweatdrop.

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