| 08 | the great composition vs the perfect waltz

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it is now the 15th of july, the day of soma and i's shokugeki. it's like 10 minutes before the shokugeki actually starts so i'm just napping in soma's waiting room. i didn't get a lot of sleep, maybe around an hour or two so i'm just napping here until they wake me up 5 minutes before the shokugeki starts.

the reason as to why i didn't get sleep is because i was deciding if i should use special milk bread or shokupan which is just like normal japanese milk bread for my dish. shiro and i stayed up talking about which one i should do then settled for the shokupan and i started perfecting my recipe for shokupan.

after i perfected my recipe we we're deciding if i should put ham and if i was, what type of ham i should use so we decided to use honey cured ham to add sweetness to the dish. then that was it, my brother drove all the way to totsuki to deliver me my ham and my other ingredients and then drove back home. so now... here i am, napping in soma's waiting room.

"jiyu~ wakey wakey!~ it's almost time for the shokugeki!" soma says as he shakes me awake. "yeah yeah, i'm awake now. you ready for this darling?~" i ask him with a slightly sleepy smile.

"yep i am! how 'bout you?" soma exclaimed. "of course i am! now i'm gonna go to my waiting room and wait for the shokugeki to start. good luck my loves!" as soon as i said that, i walked out of his waiting room not before ruffling soma and megumi's hair.

i walk for like 3 minutes over to the other side of the arena where my waiting room is at and started re-chaking my ingredients. 'perfect, it's all here.' i think with a smile.


(i kinda forgot to mention that you dressed up in one of your nicer suits with your usual cross earrings (without the necklace because i decided to take that out of you outfit) and some round glasses (not sunglasses)

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(i kinda forgot to mention that you dressed up in one of your nicer suits with your usual cross earrings (without the necklace because i decided to take that out of you outfit) and some round glasses (not sunglasses). now enjoy this picture of yao-momo also the suit is a navy color like the uniform).

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