| 03 | totsuki entrance exams

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it's now a few days later and it's finally the day of the entrance exams. i'm picking up my knife case and mini backpack that has a small notepad and pen, wallet, some gum and my phone.

dad and i get into the car and drive off to totsuki. mom and shiro isn't coming with because 1. shi-kun is still alseep and 2. since mom didn't wanna leave him she stayed behind. she did wish me goodbye and give me a forehead kiss though. thats enough for me! :D

we finally arrive to totsuki which is swarming with pests- i mean people *cough cough*. i get out of the car as well as my dad and he wished me luck and gave me a forehead kiss. we bid our goodbyes and now its just me walking towards totsuki.

'hey ri-chan (ri-chan is your new nickname for ritsu), do you think i can prevent soma from falling and scare off the bitch that he talked to? wait- what is that guys name?'

'yeah i'm positive that you can yu-chan and also the guys name is nikaido yoshiaki. the son of the owners of the restaurant named "rosalita". y'know, the one thats like a few blocks away from the eiffel tower?'

(btw this means 'ritsu talking telepathically' ritsu talking telepathically- yeah no shit sherlock- also idk where the name rosalita came from, i was originally meant to name it rosa but i thought why not rosalita for like the mom or something so yeah, there ya go)

'to be honest, i'm really excited on scaring the guy, idk why- maybe i'm just sadistic who knows- but yeah :p.'

'we should also be wondering who's gonna be the judge of your entrance exam if it's not gonna be erina.'

'yeah you're right- oh hey! theres soma and pee head let's go see if i can save soma from falling and scare the guy off!'

i then start brisk walking over to the bench they were seated at and just as soma way about to fall from being kicked i went over and saved his ass from kissing the ground.

"are you okay darling~?" i asked soma, and of course i was gonna flirt, this is one of my husbandos. n e ways, when i looked over to see his face, i saw him being dusted with a light pink blush. 'adorable!' i squeal in my head.

"commoners are not allowed in this school." pee head spoke. 'ah shit, i forgot about this guy... well time to deal with him.' i help soma up then walk over to the guy with a scowl on my face.

"this is holy ground. a school only for the upper class of-" he got cut off when i gripped his collar with an iron grip, lifting him up to my face.

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