| 02 | hello world and hWaT-

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(btw i may be switching between 3rd pov and 1st pov, idk about 2nd but yeh, try not to get confused)

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(btw i may be switching between 3rd pov and 1st pov, idk about 2nd but yeh, try not to get confused)


ayama- well now- jiyu has arrived in the world of shokugeki no soma... alseep? hUh- y'know what nevermind let's uhhh *cough cough* continue. the teen was then awakened from her sleep by a blaring alarm coming from her phone.

"oW WHAT THE FUCK?! holy hell... that was so loud i can't..." jiyu then frantically looked around panicking and asking herself if she was kidnapped.

'YO WHERE TF AM I? DID I GET KIDNAPPED OR SOMTHING?-' her stupidity was ended when she remembered what happened in the matrix. 'holy fuck did i hit my head or something? how did i forget what happened? jeez...'

the girl then remembered what nishi told her before she went into this world; to talk to ritsu, so thats what she did.

"hellooooo, ritsuuuuu, can you hear me?" jiyu asked the locked phone. let me tell you again the phone was locked whihc means NOT OPEN. jesus christ how is this girl so dumb.

well once she realized her mistake, she opened her phone and called out to ritsu, and wow now that the phone was unlocked ritsu answered.

"yes hello ayama, or should i say hikari jiyu. it's nice to finally meet you!" ritsu beamed. "ah yes hello, it's nice to meet you as well ritsu. now anyways, nishi told me that you had a few things to tell me?" the girl asked while raising an eyebrow.

"yes i do! here are some of the things you need to know about this world before you start you adventures!" ritsu said with a closed eye smile while sparkles appeared around her.

"first of all, you are very skilled in cooking specifically mixed cuisine in this world, you know recipes by heart and how to do them efficiently. the second thing is that any system updates or system announcements will pop up in your vision. don't worry though, no one but you can see this."

"third is that if you need any assistance from me you can ask me telepathically so that you wont look like a maniac just talking to her phone, this feature will also work if i'm not with you. fourth is that your brother hikari shiro is also someone from the matrix more specifically the first person who managed to quantum tunnel around 60 years ago. feel free to also ask him about things. lastly, for jiyu's memories that you didn't know about, time will stop and show you flashbacks so you don't have to worry about missing any information. that's about it, i'll tell you any more information i get throughout your adventures." ritsu finished.

"okay, wow... thats a lot of information to digest uhm... i don't know if i can do this but theres no turning back now! thanks for everything ritsu!"

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