| 11 | training camp from hell pt. 3

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'hey ri-chan, what episode are we in?...' i inquire my digital companion looking at my opened phone while on my way to shiro. 'episode 10' she replied showing a wall of text behind her showing a short summarization of the episode.

i read through the summarization and laugh as i remember what happens at the start of the episode when soma bumps into erina. my eyes then widen as i realize something, 'i wasn't faster than erina...' coincidentally, soma thought this the same time as i did.

'oh well, as gin-senpai says... "speed isn't everything" but then again, i thought i would still be faster.' i think with a pout. just as i finished that thought, i reached the door of my dear brother. i knock at the door thrice and call out for him saying "oi shortstack!"

i hear him grumble from the door and shout "don't call me shortstack dammit! i'm not that short." he opened the door and i look down at him with a smirk. "yeah, but i'm still taller though!" he grumbles as he lets me into his room.

i sit down on his bed with my brother following me. "so why're you here?" he asks me still a bit upset from my insult. "i dunno, i'm bored so i decided to visit you. plus, i wanted to see if you wanted to call otou-san and okaa-san with me."

he nods and i grab his laptop and attach my phone to it making ritsu take over both devices. 'calling your mom and dad right?' she asks us and we nod. the word "calling..." pops up on both devices and a few rings later, our parents pick up the phone.

"shiro! yuji! how are you both?" otou-san asks with a big smile on his face. "shiro and yuji?!" we hear from out okaa-san and some small crashes following those. "hi sweethearts! how's the training camp?" she greets us with a small sweat and a bright smile.

all of us, save fore okaa-san, shielded out eyes from the light with a small sweatdrop. "we're good okaa-san, otou-san. the training camps been going well so far." shiro replied blinking a bit to adjust his eyes.

we continued talking for about an hour and soon ended the conversation. i closed the laptop and disconnected my phone from it. i looked at shiro and asked, "what did you do in your class?"

he looked at me. "oh, i basically gave them a basic egg dish to improve and if they impress me, they pass." he replied with a slight shrug at the end. i raised a brow. "what egg dish."

"it's basically a simplified version of you steamed egg dish." i deadpan at him with a slightly open mouth. "did you give me credit at least?" i gave me a cheeky smile. "nope!" he replied popping the p.

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