| 00 | welcome to the matrix

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hitoshi ayama is a 20 year-old single girl who lives in a single bedroom apartment in the saitama prefecture. she lives a pretty normal and uneventful life. finished college at 19 and now works at a small flower shop 2 streets from her apartment.

well i mean, she is a massive weeb and would binge watch anime every weekend and on her breaks. some of her favorites are shokugeki no soma, kokoro no basket and boku no hero acadamia. she would love to be in her favorite animes or even just meet her favorite characters, but thats impossible... right? (wink wonk)

well she doesn't really believe in gods so prayers won't help her. she also couldn't give less of a resting shit for science and theories of jumping realities so that can't really help her. well, she can only dream of her anime fantasies becoming a reality.

that is until the night of the 27th of april...

it was just her usual and uneventful day, waking up, getting ready for work, walking to the flower shop and organizing the flowers. her life had become so stagnant and it really had become a pain in the ass for her, but she can't really change that.

on her break, she eats her lunch and watches the last episodes of shokugeki no soma (not including the 5th season, im pretty sure its the 5th season... well the season that blue happens). she has practically finished all the animes in her watchlist and this is the last one.

for every anime that she watches she always thinks about which parts she liked and which parts she would've changed. it's kind of become a tradition at this point. she has a notebook where she writes her opinions and its surprisingly organized.

after her break she goes back to her work, cutting the stems of the flowers, putting them in bouquets and selling them to random people. she then finishes her shift at 4pm, logs herself out in the log book then closes the shop.

she walks over to the grocery store to buy some eggs, milk and some veggies. she pays for everything then goes back into the small apartment she calls home. she puts away everything she bought and makes herself a salad for dinner.

while eating dinner, she decides to draw a character. someone who is at least 8 galaxies much prettier than herself (ya'll gotta stahp bullying yourselves, you fine as fuck boo and i would def date you ;)).

she had soft pink waist-length hair, beautiful green eyes and the complexion of a goddess. the character she made was everything ayama hoped to be and the characters name is hikari jiyu.

she then saves her file then closes her ipad to then read some fanfics. it was around 6pm when she started searching for fanfics on her favorite animes. she finds a fanfic on shokugeki no soma then reads it until she passes out from exhaustion.

a few minutes later, her body sinks into her bed, through the floor and through the entire galaxy... wait... WHAT?! she has apparently quantum tunnelled through the entire galaxy, much less space and time itself. she wakes up to find herself surrounded by pitch black with a blue grid pattern on the walls.

"WHERE THE FLYING FUCK AM I?!" she then frantically looks around her for an escape but to her dismay, she couldn't find one. she finds a table looking thing with floating transparent screens around it. "what in the name of pepperoni pizza is this?..."

(oh btw "italics" means thoughts so don't get confused)

ayame presses a button on the table then the whole place turns pitch black. then green 0's and 1's start flying across the room and gathers in front of her forming the body of a woman.

"hey there ayama!" the figure says. "what and who the pickle are you and how the fuck do you know my name?! also where the flying fuck am i?!" ayama's eyes widen.

"calm down my dear let me explain. i am nishi, the creator and guardian of all universes. you are currently in the matrix." nishi replies. ayama's jaw drops then she says "so what you're telling me is that i'm in the matrix and you're some kind of god?" nishi nods "well more or less, i'm not really a god but sure, let's say that."

"so how did i get here and why am i here?" the woman then replies with a glowing aura around her; "well you somehow quantum tunnelled yourself through space an time and ended up here. it's been a while since someone has been able to do that, around 60-70 years maybe? i'm actually really excited to have you here, though you cant stay too long."

"what do you mean by me not being able to stay too long?" ayame asks. "well you see, humans cant really survive here for over 3 hours, after 3 hours your body will start to turn back into its original state; binary. so if you want to live i'll give you 3 options!" the woman then hold out 3 fingers.

"what are my options exactly?" binary the flies around and settles beside the head of nishi then spells out the word "options:". nishi then holds out 1 finger instead of 3 then proceeds on saying; "option 1 is going back to your world, dying the next day the getting reincarnated into a random universe without your memories." she finishes saying as words below the word options: appear saying the first option.

holding out 2 fingers, nishi then continues on saying; "option 2 is becoming a guardian of your universe and you basically stay here and guard your universe until you get sent a mission to protect your universe." again as she finished talking words appeared below the first option and then stating the second option.

nishi then holds out 3 fingers "the last option is to appear in a world of your choice and living in a video game. you get a mission to complete and once that mission is complete you get deleted from the world even everything that says you existed there and get turned into a guardian of that chosen world." she the finished talking as the third option appeared below the other 2 options.

"choose wisely my dear, one you choose you cant turn back." she states as the options then float in front of ayama.



1 :: go back to your world, dying the next day then getting reincarnated into another world without your previous memories

2 :: becoming a guardian of your world and guarding it here in the matrix until a certain mission pops up for you to fulfill

3 :: appearing into a world of your choice and living in a video game, complete a mission then get your existence deleted from that world to become the guardian of that world here in the matrix


"good choice! what world would you like to be sent to?" ayame then thinks for a few seconds as an idea pops into her head. "can you send me to the world of shokugeki no soma? i'd like to be sent at the start of the anime."

"alright my dear. i'll send you over so that you can create yourself a character profile! good luck and have fun my dear and maybe if you do good i'll give you a present. oh and one more thing, i'll give you a companion. take this phone with you, it'll connect you here to the matrix and will help you on your missions. she's called ritsu from the anime assassination classroom. sorry, i may have looked into your memories to find that." nishi says as she rubs the back of her neck.

"thats fine nishi, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, i promise to not waste this and to do my best." ayame says as she fades into nothingness leaving nishi. "good luck ayama. do your best and hopefully you get your present at the end of your mission." nishi says as she slowly starts fading away.

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