| 09 | training camp from hell

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'yu-chan! wake uppp!~'

'ughhhh what the hell ri-chan? why'd you wake me up this early?'

'the time has come... it's a few days 'til the training camp from hell!'

'oh you've gotta be fucking me in the ass with a wooden fork...' i think with a scowl as i get up and check the time. '4:30am' i read, i walk over to my closet to put on my windbreaker and walk downstairs to make some coffee and read a book.


as i finish my cup of coffee, isshi-senapi walks in the cafeteria from doing some garden work still in his... crotch wrap...  and greets me. ryoko, yuki, megumi, shun, zenji, daigo and shoji then walk into the cafeteria as ryoko holds a booklet which i assume is the program outline of the training camp.

"good morning my dears! oh- ryo-chan, i assume that booklet your holding is for the training camp?" i greet. "ah yeah, it's finally that time of the year ne?" she says with a nervous chuckle.

a few minutes later, soma walks into the cafeteria and gets greeted by us. he then sits down right beside me and looks at the booklet thats now on the table.

"a training camp?" soma asks no one in particular. "it's finally time." yuki says. "what is this?" the red head asks as he picks up the booklet and flips through the pages.

"it's kind of like the camps in middle school where you spend a few days off campus." ryoko explains. "ehhh?~ this school has events like this too? so why are you shaking tadokoro?" soma asks the nervous megumi 'i swear she's so cute like this.'

"this training camp is the first taste of hell for the high school freshmen." zenji states with a glum? solemn? how tf do you describe his face? serious. yeah there... he states with a serious expression. "all the freshmen are given difficult cooking tests everyday at the training camp."

"if you don't pass the tests, you get expelled. they say "friendship and rapport" but in reality... it's a termination training camp!" yuki finishes with a shadow covering half of her face.

"this is our competitive education. as the director would say, the selecting of the gems has begun." senpai says with arms crossed across his chest. "isshiki-senpai, you went last year right?" daigo asks our senpai.

isshi-senpai then proceeds to explain the horrors of the training camp with shun adding that a few years ago more than half of the batch was expelled.

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