(9). Refectings.

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Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes during the events of the movie..)

(ZaneChan505 and qwertuno and -RENN1E And SilentReadersMatter and joycethebooklover
And WitchycandlexX and Mycurrentfandom And poniesman)

(I apologise for any spelling mistakes, autocorrect is a d*ck.)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)

Pipp's version of death outweighed others'.

She thought of it as just going to sleep. Blocking the harsh, harsh reality of of how loss twists and warps the minds affected by the relatability.

"Heya, Pipp?"

The mouse turned around, clutching a sandwich. It had lettuce and cucumber. She was more of a vegetarian. Meat on occasion? She didn't mind.

"Yes?" The mouse replied politely. "Ox?"

The bunny stood somewhat nervous. Rubbing a hand over his neck, seemingly taking a silent breath. She wondered what he thought.

"Your close to Unknown?"

Pipp's thought train traced back. She'd known the guy for like a month. Yes, she knew him. He still hid the past away like a lock and key she couldn't find.

"...A bit."

Not liking I'm telling you anything.

You never trusted anyone until this world. Unless proving loyal to trustworthy, she'd tell nothing of the sort to Ox about anything.

Why she stayed loyal to Unknown?

Easy, he saved my life. In return, I keep his safe.

He'd earned his keep. Now Pipp guarded secrets.

His secrets.

"Did he say anything of his past?"


Pipp walked out the room quickly, sandwich still in hand. She heard Ox punch the wall in frustration.

He hadn't earned loyalty.



Louis' yelled wasn't intimidating. It came as a whimper, clutching his stomach to grasp the pain. He was being beaten.


Louis threw up vomit. Another kick to the stomach, he rolled to ease the pain (crunch of his bunch), he pleaded it to stop-stop-StOp...

His thoughts weren't so coherent anymore.


You are a wimp.

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