(1). Prologue.

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Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes place after the events of the movie)

(qwertuno and In13579 and ZaneChan505 and SilentReadersMatter And WitchycandlexX)

(This is similar to the original and does have some of the original lines, and has a different ending altogether. Hence, this is an alternative Universe.)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)

The fight going on between the once known brothers right now was about to write history as one of the biggest mistakes anyone could make.

They saying never bring a knife to a gun fight applied.

So long Lou had been abandoned by those close to him. Always leaving for the big world, always wanting to experience love for themselves off a child.

He had nothing.

Every time a doll left, he would smile, wave, the whole sha bang. The factory forced this routine of a deadly cycle to repeat every time, every year, every single day of his entire existence.

This day belonged to him. The gauntlet, he tried. He wanted to make this a fair trial to test his ability to go to the big world and try to be loved.

All his life, everything resulted around perfection. A lesson the factory never, ever let him forget. Built into the mind of a doll who was never taught anything more or less.

Perfection was everything.

Striving to be like the big world people who made him, Lou saw his one potential and wanted to make them proud. Even if they never said anything, he knew from the amount of control he slowly gained over perfection that they trusted him.

A doll. A leader.

Someone who would soon fall.

A fight broke out. A fight between brothers.

One would fall, one would win.

"Dolls don't need you or your training!" Ox exclaimed, putting himself between Lou and the portal. His ears grabbed the needle. "You did it all just to feel powerful! What happened to you? WE WERE LIKE BROTHERS!"

The duo weren't aware of the growing crowd of dolls looming around them and the portal. Watching from the sidelines doing but staring. Too frozen to move with fear at who would win and fall.

But we all know who wins this. We just have to see what the inevitable brings. Because perfection never wins apparently.

The hero always beats the so called villain.

"You, a reject were going to leave me! Just like the others!" Lou yelled back, letting out so much pain with that one. But Ox remained oblivious to that hint of tone in his voice. "Ever wonder why the pretties turned on you?!"

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