That Party Night

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5/6 years into the future

For the past 6 years Edgar and Luca hadn't talked nor seen each other. From time to time Edgar thought of him and really missed him, even while being with his teachers. As time passed Edgar began to think about him even more and more.

The painter had planned something that his dad for sure woudn't approve. He was going to invite Luca to the next party that was going to take place at the mansion of the Valdens.

The heir didn't care what would his dad think nor say anyways. He actually did many crazy stuff after the separation with Luca. His father simply didn't care about his son. He only cared about the family's reputation. 

,,The Valdens must be perfect''  his dad used to say and still does.

The next party was still 2 weeks away, and that was sure enough to find Luca's adress, make up lies, and pick the best outfit he can. 

Edgar first needed to start with the lies. When he went to reach for the door his mother immediatly noticed him and asked,,Where are you going?''

The painter was grateful that this time his mother was the one who caught him red handed, but fortunatly he had lies to save him from the situation. 

,,Mom, I just want to go breath some fresh air'' Edgar lied to his mother

,,Oh, but please do it faster since I'm scared that something bad will happen to you'' his mother said with concern for her son

,,Mom, you can't baby me forever y'know I'm 20 now'' Edgar anwered with confidence

,,Sorry, dear I am in fact still your mom'' his mother said, then she went towards him and kissed her son on the forheard. A little bit of make up was left on him and yet his mother nor him didn't notice at all.

The painter searched for entire 2 hours. His father was for sure going to scold him for being out for too much without any servants with him, but he didn't care, he just wanted to find Luca.

After a while he was finally infront of his house. He rang on the doorbell in hopes to see Luca, but there was no one.

As he was about to leave he saw Luca right infront of him.

At that moment their faces had only an inch distance. It was like they were about to kiss.

,,Hi Eddie, what brings you here?" Luca said with a bright smile. His big tooth still could be seen.

,,Y-you still remember me?" Edgar asked his crush.

,,Yeah, I do. No one can forget that cute face of yours" Luca said to Edgar

Edgar blushed a little and looked down on the floor while smiling.

,,Haha, Eddie you are red. Why don't you come inside?" Luca said while unlocking his door with the keys in his arms.

The painter was now a blushing mess and welcomed himself into Luca's house.

,,I can't believe you are now all by yourself here, while I still live in my parents's mansion" Edgar said with an akward smile on his face.

They both sat on Luca's bed and talked until Luca noticed a letter in Edgar's hands

,,Uh hey Ed, what's that thingy in ya'll hands?" Luca asked Edgar while looking straight at the letter.

,,Oh, I totally forgot. My father is doing a party after 2 weeks and I wanted to invite you'' Edgar answered, gave the letter to the inventor and stood up to leave Luca's place. 

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