Chapter 17 - 2016 Visitors

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Seulgi stopped reading her favorite book after having a nonstop headache. She just stared at the book on top of the side table. She has been thinking a lot of things lately about her health and how her life changed in 360. The doctor told her sooner or later she'll lose her eyesight due to the trauma that she had during her accident. She felt the whole world cheated on her. They already discussed the eye surgery. She decided to take it one at a time when she's fully recovered and able to walk again. However, her eyes couldn't wait that long. The doctors informed them to have it done as soon as possible. The Kangs are taking the matter seriously and are looking for a way to get possible donors. Seulgi didn't think much about it. She has no will to really live after the breakup. Life is all bitter for her.

Maybe the recovery for her legs is taking too slow because she has lost the will to live despite the support she's getting from her loved ones. She still cannot walk properly and her therapy is still ongoing. During the session, she happened to scold the therapist. She couldn't count on her fingers how many therapists surrendered because of her. She basically lives in the hospital for almost three years and misses going out.

She's actually desperate to use this situation so Wendy would feel guilty after leaving her for good. After all those years she has not moved on yet from their break up. This caused Seulgi's mood swings to worse. She's always annoyed and easily pissed off even to small things. Thankfully all of her family members and trusted close friends are patient enough to bear with her awful attitude. Her brother Kyungsoo watches over after her from time to time since he is a resident doctor there.

Seulgi remembered Lisa. She is mostly rude with her. She asked her not to go to the hospital but she would suddenly appear twice a weak. She's trying to avoid taking her anger out with her poor buddy. And the last thing she needs is to get pitied by her own family and friends. She wanted to shut everyone and cut her ties from them. She does not in the mood to socialize with other people. She does not have the enthusiasm to even care about what's going on around her.

"Who is it?" Seulgi asked half annoyed to the grinning doctor who then entered the room without knocking. Well, he never does. But she knew he's not alone. "Brother, please let it be known to everyone I am not in the mood to accept any guests. I told you to update the guests' list."

"Are you expecting someone to visit you specifically today? Like your ex?" Kyungsoo half chuckled when he got some reactions from her stubborn younger sis. Of course, she knew Wendy would never come to see how pathetic she is and awful her situation is.

"Don't tell me that annoying monkey is in here again? Isn't she supposed to be reviewing for the final exam?"

"She's your best friend, why would you ask me that? How would I know? Anyway, she's graduating let her make most of her college experience. As if you hadn't skip classes to date your ex-girlfriend."

"Darn it! Stop bringing the past, Oppa. Aish, and what does she wants this time? She's being really annoying."

"I am happy that you found such a cheeky friend like her. I just wish she decided to study here in Seoul. Well, anyway I am wanting to ask this. Every time Lisa visits you I observed she becomes prettier however she looks a bit  hmmmm..." He paused to think of a better word. He does not want to worry her sister about Lisa. "Just ask her to see me. I mean as a doctor."

"Do you like my friend?" Seulgi asked in disgust.

"NO!" Kyungsoo strongly denied. "She's like a baby sis to me. I said to ask her to see me as a doctor. And I like her for you. It's about time you get yourself a new girlfriend. Wendy won't be coming back." This made Seulgi choked and sad at the same time. First, she can never imagine herself being with Lisa. Totally gross. And totally off. But he just said a fact. Yes, Wendy isn't going back to her.

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