Chapter 10 - Maybe Just a Crush

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I just finished packing up my things. Seulgi is doing great for the past few days though she's being grumpy with the attending doctors except for her brother Kyungsoo Oppa and the nurses assigned to her.

"Bear, do you think I should buy a motorbike?" I just asked out of the blue because I want to consult other people's opinions.

"A motorbike? What for? Isn't the dorm just a walking distance from Kyungsung U?"

I scratched my head even it's not itchy. She might get more suspicious if I tell her the real reason. I am not even sure if I should get one or have it as a gift. "Well, I figured there are a lot of places to explore in Busan. I haven't really strolled around. Commuting through public vehicles is really bothersome."

Seulgi looked at me as if she's studying if I am bluffing or not. I am obviously nervous. Please just buy my reason and don't ask anything.

"Just get your car from your home. So you can also see your parents, Monkey." She had been bugging me to see my family which I don't want to. My presence would only hurt them. My mum won't stop crying just seeing me through a video chat. And of course, dad would just convince me to stay with them and spend my remaining days or years with them. No one really knows how many days do I really have. It's already a miracle that I am still existing after the doctor diagnosed how sick I am and as a result, my heart condition was really in bad shape and it won't be reversed anymore. I just needed to slow things down so it won't speed up getting so much worse.

"Maybe some other time." I lied.

"Lis, what's really with you, huh? Did something come up? You are always close to your parents. They are not getting any younger, Limario, find time and spend it with them." She's growing concerned about how I am trying to avoid my loved ones.

"I know, but I am just not here because of them. I promise to visit them soon. Or maybe next week when I return." Another lie.

"Fine, won't be pushing you. You know you can always talk to me if there's something going on between you and your parents. Or whatever is bothering you, right?"

"Of course. I know I can always count on you, Bear." What a filthy liar?!

"Cool. Going back so you are asking if you should buy a motorbike, right? Are you trying to impress someone?"

"Ehhhh, of course not. I just need a ride. That's it."

"Is this best friend of yours gonna ride the motorbike too? What exactly do you have in mind that buying a motorbike even crossed your mind?"

"Well, I will bring her along when I stroll in Busan. Who else should I bring with me? I don't have any friends other than her."

"Is she tall enough?"

"What does her height connections to our conversation?" I asked because of Seulgi's randomness.

"Pabo, you need to be considerate if she's not as tall as you are. You'll have trouble climbing on your motorbike. If she's a short girl just buy a scooter. That will do. And if you like to impress this chick make sure to buy a ride with her favorite color. It works 100%. Girls fall to someone who is thoughtful enough."

"How many times should I tell you she is just a friend. Why would I impress her?"

"You will thank me later. Just take my advice and you will surely get the girl, Monkey."

"You really act like you didn't get into an accident. You are really recovering well, Bear. I am glad my hellish week is over."

"Same here, Limario! I can't stand being with you inside this lonely room for a week. All you did is talk about this girl. And you have been busy on the phone with your weird smile."

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