Chapter 8 - 2013 The Accident

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Lisa and Irene grew closer day by day. She forgot her principle not to be friends with anyone. Irene changed her so much. She became more optimistic and the two promised to work hard to achieve their dreams. Occasionally Lisa would share things about her friends in Seoul and she told Irene she wanted them to meet and become friends too if Seulgi has time to meet her and if Wendy is in Korea for a vacation. She never mentioned Seulgi's name but referred to her as Bear. She just talks about her admiration for the mono eyelid girl and how her break up with Wendy changed her.

It's past 10 pm when Lisa got disturbed by her ringing phone. When she checked it Mrs. Kang registered number appeared so she got up from her bed. "Hello Auntie, Hi how are you doing?" She answered her phone even she's still a bit sleepy. Seulgi's mom doesn't usually call at this hour.

"Lis," She was trying to compose herself to explain to Lisa the reason for her calling. She knew that the girl was wondering why she suddenly called her.

"Yes, Auntie, what is it?" Lisa sensed the hesitation from her voice.

"It's uhm, It's about Seulgi."

"Yes, Auntie I am listening what about her?"

"She got into an accident while driving. She's still in the operating room." And Mrs. Kang burst into tears. Lisa wanted to comfort the woman but she's far from Seoul right at that very moment.

"Auntie, please be strong. I'll be there early in the morning. Seulgi is a strong girl. She has to survive the operation. Please don't worry too much."

"If you like I can send someone to pick you up, Lis." Mrs. Kang couldn't stop crying. She knew Lisa and Seulgi are like siblings and the two are really close to each other.

"No, need Auntie. I'll take the train." Lisa declined.

"Okay just stay safe."

........ Lisa called Wendy to break the bad news. She felt the need to tell her since she's someone who cares so much for Seulgi despite she broke up with her first. She promised to call back Wendy for the updates once she arrived in Seoul.

Lisa sent a message to Irene that she won't be coming to class for several days. She got worried because they go to class together every day. And Irene's mom is more comfortable if Lisa would go to their house and commute with her daughter. The best friends are so inseparable and it's the first time Lisa could not go to the university with her. Actually, Lisa lives nearby the university. She chose to live in the dorm because it is accessible for her and so she wouldn't need to bring a car. She'll have to walk which is good exercise for her heart. But Irene wanted to go with her every day so she needs to fetch her and it's really time-consuming. Sometimes Lisa was tempted to ask for a motorbike from her parents because that could save her time and effort. She dismissed the idea. She could not ask anything from them after deciding to live on her own. She's grateful enough they are paying for her medical and school expenses. She has enough savings so she'll use it if needed. She's still undecided if she should buy a motorbike or not.

It took her some time to prepare all the stuff she would need while she's in Seoul. She's about to leave her dorm when someone knocked on her door.

"Just a second!" She never receives any guests even she's staying for more than a year in the dorm. So she wondered who it might be. Or maybe it's just the guard doing a random check.  It's still 3 am so Lisa wondered who would bother her at this ungodly hour? Most of the students are still asleep. When she opened the door without checking the peeping hole prior she got surprised to see none other than Irene. She did expect her to be sleeping already since she did not reply to her text message earlier. "What are you doing here? You should still be sleeping?"

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