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Nothing that interesting happened on the trip som I'm not gonna bother writing about it. Well, Kai and Lyd did commit arson but it's not like anyone noticed and the guy did owe them money plus Helen wasn't there to supervise them around a ton of matches and gasoline


Sorry I haven't written anything recently. Still haven't, but I have this lying around. I wrote it a while back as a joke. I hate it. It's not canon at all, not even in this fanfiction. So, let's just call it bonus content. (There's swearing in this one.)


Nico didn't feel like sleeping so instead he decided to go for a walk in the woods. Will had a similar idea except instead of sleeping he wanted to follow Nico to bug him. Nico stopped suddenly and turned around. This startled Will "What the fuck are you doing here out in the middle of the woods following me!" Nico insisted "Well I thought that it might piss you off." Will offered "Well it did. If that makes you happy." Nico snapped. "Well it did but now I want something... else." Will replied seductively. At that Nico got mad because his face had suddenly become a bright shade of red. "Oh, and what's that?" Nico asked. Will decided that he should pin him to the ground instead of answering. "What the fuck was tha-" Nico was cut off by Will kissing him. Nico wanted to get back at him. So, he did the natural thing and kissed him back, but harder. In about 15 seconds it was full out making out. When they finished they were both glaring at each other but they didn't look too upset because they both were blushing heavily. Nico put his hands in his pockets only to find he was missing five dollars. Looking at the son of Apollo, pissed off as hell. Nico Yelled "You fucking thief!" "Well if you want your money back you're gonna have to catch me." Will responded as he ran away. Of course Nico ran after him. When he caught up to him he decided instead of attacking him he kissed him. causing them to start making out again. When they stopped Nico was looking smug. Gosh Will loved it when the son of Hades was smug. Nico then held out his money then yelled "HA!" then he looked around in confusion "where are we?" he asked "I don't know!" Will answered "Well you're the one who led us here" Nico snapped "Well you weren't complaining when we were kissing." Will said smugly. At that Nico pushed Will onto a tree and kissed the hell out of him. When that was over Nico let out a sigh and said "Let's just get the hell out of here."

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