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The hot sun beat down on beth's shoulder's as she wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. She yanked her knife out from a walkers head and wiped the blood on her pants and sighed. It's been almost a week or two since she and Daryl went their seprate ways, although it feels like its been forever. She still half expects him to be right behind her as she continues to search for her sister. Beth notices a herd of walkers heading in her direction and she is quick to her feet as she climbs an abandoned truck and lays down on the roof. She stares at the sky while her ears are filled with the moans of the dead. She craved human interaction.. she craved daryl's presence. Her gut twisted and turned internally with regret as she thinks about him - about all he'd done for her.. for everyone. She thinks about all he's lost, and how much he blames himself for the deaths within the group. Now beth had just added to his mental stress and it killed her. The moans grew further away from her as she climbed down the truck and continued to search for her sister. She moved swiftly through the debres, ocasionally killing a few walkers here and there. 

Beth was anxious as she further approched the area where she last had seen her sister; the church. Her heart rate sped up as she felt the butterflies in her stomach go nuts from the excitement. All she wanted was for maggie to wrap her arms around her and never let go. Beth pushed through the last of bushes before stopping in her tracks. The church had been surrounded by walkers inside and out. Her heart dropped to her stomach as dark thoughts creeped into her head. She began walking closer, killing the walkers in her way. Why she was even bothering going inside was beyond her.. She just had to know. She stabbed all the walkers inside and laid them down in a row. Checking each one for a resemblance to anyone in the group. Beth was in a state of hysterics as she slid down the church wall. Tears spawned from her eyes as she stared at the line of walkers. She was thankful she didn't know any of them, but the church was overrun. Maggie could be anywhere.. hell she could be dead for all beth knew. She needed closure. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and took a deep breath. ''I'm comin' maggie.'' She whispered to herself as she ran out of the church and back to the main highway, branches scratching her bare arms as she sprinted. She didn't care at this point, all that mattered was finding them. Dead, or alive. 

The Walking Dead (Bethyl) Spin Off (Volume Two)Where stories live. Discover now