Be gone with you

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Gladdis had thrown a small bbq for the people of Alexandria due to the recent events. Beth smiles as she basks in the light of the Georgia sun. Its been a while since shes been outside, she forgot how beautiful it is to just sit on the porch with good music and good friends.. Its been so long since i heard music.. She thought. "You must be beth, right?." A tall man says and beth nods slightly. "I'm Aaron, I heard that your expecting, congratulations!." beth laughs softly. "Where'd you hear that?." She asks, shielding her eyes from the sun.

"Daryl told me." Beth laughs. "I swear to god that mans a damn hen." Aaron lets out a laugh and begins telling beth about him and his partner. The neighbors were having a good time, people were talking, eating and drinking. Dancing, singing - it seemed normal.

"Help! Somebody help me!." All conversations are cut short when they hear someone screaming in the distance. Beth jumps to her feet as she peers to the gates where she see's a walker and Jessie. Without any hesitation, beth rushes over with her knife in hand.

"Beth!." Both daryl and Maggie as they chase after her. When beth arrives, it felt like all air had been taken from her lungs. The walker was Romona. "Oh god." She said as she leaned on the gate. "Kill it!." Jessie yells like a wimp and beth tries to.

Her eyes fill with tears as she attempts to stab Romona but ends up pushing her away. As soon as Maggie and daryl reached her, their jaws dropped. Instantly tears start pouring down Maggie's cheeks. Beth finally grips her and stabs her square in the head. She watches as her cold body fell to the ground like tag doll.

Daryl's arms wrap around her as she whales. "The fuck happened?!." Daryl yelled and Jessie just twisted her hair. "She was followin' me and a rotter got her."

"Thats bullshit!." Beth screams as she points to the body. "Those are goddamn stab wounds!." There were an array of gasps behind them as Jessie smiled nervously and scratched the back of her neck. "No they ain't, they are bites." Gladdis pushed through the crowd and gasped in horror from what she saw. Her eyes flick to Jessie and she feels sick to her stomach.

"Jessie what did you go 'bury' out there." She asked, trying to keep her cool. "I told you it was a dead rabbit. But Bethy here thinks that i murdered her best friend and kid." Beth's eyes widened with realization. The world was spinning and she felt like she was going to be sick. It took all the strength in her to walk face to face with her.

"I get it now." She said as she stared into her eyes. Beth pulled out her knife and just as she was about to stab Jessie, Jessie pulled her's out faster and plunged it into Beth's shoulder. "No!." Daryl yelled as beth fell to the floor. He pulled out his own knife and attacked Jessie. Stabbing her in the chest and yanking it all the way down to her stomach.

"Burn in hell." Jessie croaked before staring off into the distance. Daryl felt numb. He couldn't lose beth. Not like this. Not ever.

The Walking Dead (Bethyl) Spin Off (Volume Two)Where stories live. Discover now