At last

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At least a thousand emotions were running though beth at the moment. She wasn't sure of how to begin to even explain them. But she was sure of one, pure bliss. "Daryl," her voice cracked as she jumped into the mans arms. Daryl picked her up and spun her around. "Beth... I thought i lost you." He cried into her shoulder.

Romona peeked her head out of the door and felt her heart melt at the sight. But that warm fuzzy feeling she felt watching her friend be reunited with whom she loved quickly turned to guilt. She had spent the last couple of weeks with beth telling her that everyone she knew was dead. That she should give up. She felt horrible. When her feet touched the ground, he hugged her once more before they both turned to walk in.

"Oh, Mona, this is Daryl." Daryl raised his eyebrow at the girl standing by the door. Why did she look so familiar? "I'm Romona." She said in a small voice before walking back into the house. "Beth?." Beth whipped around and Maggie stands there.

The two quickly ran into eachothers arms and cried.


"How long had ya' been here to decorate the place so much?." Daryl asked as he looked around. "A while." Beth answered as she took a seat on the couch. "Has gladdis assigned you your house yet?." She asked as she patted the spot next to her. "Yeah.. Haven't gone yet though" He said as he took a seat. It grew silent for a moment. "I can help you decorate it!." Beth exclaimed happily and daryl cracked a small smile.

"Maybe you can live there too.." His voice was just above a whisper. Beth stared at him in awe. Beth wasn't meant to hear that of course, but she did. "Maybe.." She trailed off and daryl just looked at her. The front door opened and A very happy beth and Romona walked in. "Daryl, why don't you show beth where your house is." Maggie said as she leaned on the kitchen island.

"Yeah, c'mon daryl it'll be fun." Beth exclaimed as she stood up and extended her hand. Daryl took it and stood up. "We'll be here when you get back."

Hey Guys

So I'm updating quite a bit bc im in a good mood which is rare haha, but I'm splitting this into two parts and the picture at the top shows what I'd imagine beth would decorate her house haha (its adorable)

Love you guys


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