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"I don't understand!." Gladdis yelled as she threw her hands up in the air. "How the fuck are they getting in!?." Romona, Maggie, Jessie and a others from the neighborhood sit around a fire pit for a meeting gladdis had called.

"You said nothing gets in-"

"Or out." Romona adds as she briefly glares at gladdis who returns the favor. "Yeah, in or out without you knowing." A girl with short, curly red hair exclaims angrily, which is then followed by 'yeah's' from the crowd. "This is the first time it has happened," gladdis says, in hopes of calming the people down. "I will do everything in my power to make sure it wont happen again. Y'all just gotta trust me on this." The girl sighs and takes a seat once again.

"It was one rotter, can you all just calm the fuck down!." Jessie finally snaps. That made a fire burn deep within the pit of Maggie's stomach. "A child almost got devoured because of this 'one rotter'. It don't matter how many there are, it happened. It changes things." Maggie huffed. "It changes everythin'." Gladdis sighed, she knew Maggie was right.

Jessie was about to open her mouth to speak gladdis interrupted her. "Thats enough outta you Jessie." she snarls. "The meeting is now over. Everyone can return to their houses while we figure out the most significant way to solve this." She says and everyone proceeds. "Except Maggie, Romona and Jessie. Girls, come here please."

Romona hastily walks over to her and plops down on a lawn chair. "You three seem to know what your doing-"

"Whose the third?." Romona interrupts and Jessie snickers. "Very funny, now shut the fuck up." Romona was about to open her mouth to retaliate when gladdis stopped them.

"Girls! Thats enough!." She yells. "You don't have to like each other but goddamnit you will respect one another!." Romona rolls her eyes and shoots Jessie a look before picking at her nails.

"Gladdis, if you want to keep these people safe, you cant assure then false safety. Also, they gotta know how to fight. Its only gettin' worse out there. Big herds seem to be headin' towards the gates and we've already discovered that they ain't bulletproof no more," Maggie clears her throat. "These are your people. You need to keep your people safe." Gladdis nods her head as she listens to Maggie's words.

"Thats a terrible idea! What if we lose more then we have!? Are we gunna have 4 people fight off a herd?!." Maggie shakes her head. "We train them. Jessie your takin' a lotta people for granted when it comes to fightin'."

"Shes gotta point Jessie," gladdis starts as she pushes a piece of hair behind her ear. "Alexandria cannot afford another incident like this." Jessie rolls her eyes. "Do what you want then." She walks away from the three ready to spit fire and Romona laughs. "That bitch is gonna catch a slap one day." Maggie nudges her with a smirk.

"Thank you girls, you may leave now." Gladdis says while taking a seat by the fire.

The Walking Dead (Bethyl) Spin Off (Volume Two)Where stories live. Discover now