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•C O P Y R I G H T•

©27 May 2021, @sydwrites05

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form, whether electronic, mechanical, recording, etc, without the prior written consent of the author.

S U M M A R Y•

"It seemed
So perfect, but
So soon."
-david jones

Love letters were the only thing keeping Arabella Walker and Celestia Saxe--or, known by the other soldiers in their regiment, Archer-Archie-Walker and Cedric Saxe--together during the second World War. The two girls, both brave beyond belief, found themselves in the war to replace the men they loved and spare their families. They never thought their devastating twist of fate would lead them to one another and give them a chance at happiness in the middle of hell on Earth.

While the war raged on around them, Arabella and Leste kept their love alive, though they were not without their challenges. When the two are faced with the truths of the world--and war--they rely on their letters to keep fighting, to stay alive.

With each chapter being a letter, written from one to the other, follow the story of Arabella and Celestia's love through their extraordinary circumstances.

•S T A T S•

co-written by wikiiif

started: May 27th, 2021
finished: June 22nd, 2021

•A U T H O R ' S N O T E•

Hey beloved reader, welcome to Sealed With Ink! The idea for this story came to my friend and co-writer, Wiki (pronounced 'Vicki' apparently. She didn't bother to tell me for over a month into our friendship :/ I kid you not), one night and we decided to just roll with it. We started writing the first few chapters and both became instantly obsessed with the characters and the love story we were building.
Wiki has been so fun to work with, honestly I am so glad we wrote this story together. She hypes me up so much and literally makes me a better writer, even if she doesn't think so. I cannot tell you how much fun it is to co-write a story!
As for the actual book, each chapter is a different letter, writing from either Leste or Arabella to the other. Arabella was my character, so I wrote all her letters, while Wiki wrote Celestia. Arabella is probably one of my favorite characters I've written; since Wiki and I were each a character, I got to put so much of myself into her.
I really hope you guys enjoy the heartbreaking, WWII romance as much as Wiki and I enjoyed writing it! Thank you for reading! -Syd

Hi, hello. Welcome to Sealed With Ink. I, Wiki, very humbly, take credit for creating the very vague outline for this story. Which, by the way, came to me out of nowhere. However, I would have not been able to write this without my co-writer, Syd.
Literally, she has helped me in so many ways, from fixing my document when I had no clue how to use the damn thing and made a complete mess of it, to helping me out with the story. She always keeps me entertained when we are typing away on the doc. Syd has become a mentor of sorts, thank you for taking me under your wing.
As you might have guessed, I'm new to writing, so I hope that my chapters are bearable and I hope Celestia and Araebella will become characters that you will grow to love to read about. I have.
So, without further ado, I will let you get on with our epic and wrecking romance. -Wiki

finally, a few things to remember when reading!

-please no hate! we are always open to constructive criticism, but please do so kindly!

-everyone is entitled to their own opinions about the book, please be kind in the comments. my page is a safe place for everyone; please don't ruin this space. 

-if you are re-reading, please don't spoil anything! if you aren't sure if a comment is a spoiler, don't comment it!! (this includes things like "omg this chapter is so sad!")

-also, neither of us are experts on WWII, so if you see historical inaccuracies, please dm us!!

thank you all, enjoy <3

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