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Arabella, red as a ruby...
25 July 1945

I take back any and every bad word I said about Wavell.

Wavell was a goddamn saint compared to Mr-Lieutenant-Wanker-Williams.

It seems that he's having a hard time warming up to me and is trying to find any way to get me off of his radar.

A couple of weeks ago, the lovely privilege that we women get, arrived. My menstrual cycle arrived, in the middle of a conversation between me, Arthur, and Mr-Lieutenant-Wanker-Williams. I used a pathetic excuse about forgetting to refill the ammunition in my gun and ran to an empty spot in the trenches. But, by the time I got there, the entirety of my bottom half was soiled in blood. Of course, I couldn't exactly go and ask for a change of uniform because I had leaked all over it now could I?

I took off my shirt and wrapped it around my middle, which of course left me with only my vest on but it was better than walking around all bloodied up. I didn't mean to bump into you, Mr-Lieutenant-Wanker-Williams has been so nosey about us being around each other, but there you were and you were my only solution. As always, Arabella, you rescued me.

I could tell you were trying to hide your smirk when I nearly fell at your feet.

"You alright Cedric?" you inquired.

I whispered back, "My bloody monthly just came in and I'm on show down there. I don't have any spares." I turned around and lifted the shirt I tied around me, revealing the dangerous, wine-red patch.

"Bollocks," you sighed. "I think I have a spare pair, come with me."

So I followed you through the mud and into our shared tent. Thank the heavens Arthur and Tom weren't in it. I stood awkwardly at the entrance as you shuffled through your bag for spares.

"Here," you announced and passed them to me, "they're a bit dirty but-"

"Arabella, I really don't care. Thank you."

I could tell they were going to be far too big on me, nothing rolling up the cuffs wouldn't fix. You were still watching me with hungry eyes when I took off my trousers. I couldn't help my smile.

"Enjoying the view?" I cooed at you.

"Of your bare legs? Anytime, my love."

I threw mine to the side and started to step into your spares when you interrupted me.

"Wait here," you blurted and walked out of the tent. Taking advantage of the empty space, I went through Arthur's and Tom's stuff: an adventure book, a flask full of alcohol that Arthur didn't bother to offer, photographs of their girls, extra socks, nothing interesting to my dismay.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when you walked back through the flaps.

"Sorry, Leste." You were carrying new boxers and scraps of fabric, along with a water bottle. I raised my eyebrows at it, resting my hands on my hips.

"What's that for?"

You shrugged, "I'm going to help you clean up. There's no point in you wearing new trousers if you stain it again."

"Always trying to find ways to touch me, aren't you Arabella?"

You only hummed in response and motioned for me to sit down. To my surprise, you actually stayed on task. Together, we cleaned my legs and other areas, then laid the scraps of fabric on the inside of my boxers, creating our own version of a sanitary pad. Luckily, I was completely dressed when Mr-Lieutenant-Wanker-Williams barged into the tent. A scowl formed on his vile face at the sight of me, it took everything in me not to kick his teeth in.

"What is this? Saxe, you have responsibilities to attend to. You too, Archer," my pulse quickened as he took in our cleaning up station. He looked me up and down before he barked "Archer, out now"

"Yes sir," you mumbled, not daring to look back at me as you walked out.

I could feel the sweat on my face as he looked me straight in the eye.

"I don't know what you're up to yet, you bastard, but I'm going to figure it out soon. Unless you want to make things easier on both of us and tell me now?"

I stifled the urge to shake my head like a lunatic, lest it reveals I was lying.

"Nothing to tell." I realized my mistake when he clenched his jaw, "Sorry. Nothing to tell, sir."

He only scoffed at me and stormed out.

I burned the trousers and fabric later that night. I'm starting to think maybe that wasn't enough.


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A Glimpse Into My Mind
Moth: A Short Story
A Girl By Any Other Voice
My Divergent FanFic Series

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