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Celestia, let me tell you a story...
22 July 1945

Leste, I remember when I found out who I truly was, too. It was the scariest time of my life. I think I knew when I was young, just becoming a woman, and a boy told me he fancied me. I tried my hardest to imagine something with him, and I couldn't. And I guess, one day, I just accepted that I fancied women. I told my father first, who accepted me with everything. I told my mother, and she had the same reaction. August was the only one a bit confused, but he still loves me.

But, enough about that, my darling.

Happy birthday, my love. I wish we could spend it alone together, rather than moving through the wastelands of this war. I promise to try to get to you tonight.

But, Leste, I am so happy to know you. So, so, happy. I can't express it enough. I should be on my knees thanking your mother for bringing you into this world twenty-three years ago. That woman deserves a medal.

My God, Leste, I wish we could celebrate. I wish we were even still back at that dreaded camp so we could sneak off into the pub, or into the laundry room. The things I wish to do to you, Leste, to show you how much I love you.

I wish we hadn't been sent off into this God damned war. I wish that bomb had never been set onto the camp. I wish so many things were different. I wish we had lives together, a home together. I wish to have you in my arms, safe and warm. It will all come soon enough, I suppose.

But, while I can't have you in my arms, I can still make you smile on your birthday. So, let me tell you a story, darling. And do not laugh at me, you cheeky little thing, I am putting a lot of thought into this.

Once upon a time...

There were two maidens who lived in two castles. The first maiden was a princess, who lived in the golden castle. She had hair the same colour as strawberries and a laugh like a bird's song. She was utterly beautiful. Every nobleman in the land pined after her, but she would not give them the time of day.

The second maiden was just that, a maiden, who worked in the cerulean castle. She had hair the colour of the earth, and eyes like the sea. She served the kind Prince who lived there. But, just like the golden princess, she could never love him.

Years passed and the two castles slowly got further away from each other, as the land floated in the ocean. One day, both maidens felt a tug. Not on their hair or on their hands, but in their heart. And, both maidens did something absolutely reckless. They each stole a small boat and left their worlds behind, sailing into the abyss of the sea.

The cerulean maiden came upon the island first. It was nothing more than a jut of land with stone ruins of a castle, only three rooms left intact. The garden, however, still flourished. She stopped sailing and docked her boat. For a week, she roamed the land, tending to the garden, quite content with her life. Though, she was lonely.

When the golden princess arrived on the island, she was so tired and so hungry. She stumbled onto the land and found the garden, immediately feasting on the berries. Since the sun had set, and the moon was out, the cerulean maiden was awoken by the noise. She left the sleeping area she found in the ruins, just to find the princess hunched over her garden. When the princess stood and turned around, she saw the cerulean maiden, and she fell back to her knees.

The maiden quickly followed in suit. They both felt that tug on their heart, and knew it was each other. They were everything the other had been looking for. They were made for each other, and not even floating islands could keep them apart.

They fell in love so fast, it scared them. But, for each other, they would face their fears.

The two maidens grew old together on that island, building a life for themselves. Neither of them had ever felt so full, so happy. Though they missed their families, the knowledge that they were safe satisfied them. The two lived together until they died, and lived happily ever after in their next lives.

The end.

That is my story for you, Leste. Happy birthday, my love. I will always be happy if I am with you, in this life, and the next.

I love you.


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A Glimpse Into My Mind
Moth: A Short Story
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My Divergent FanFic Series

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