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Arabella, it's over...
2 September 1945

I'm sure you've heard the amazing news. The war is over.

Two hours ago, when they announced it on the radio, me, the twins, Levi, and Mrs. Chipper, were all huddled around the kitchen table. For once, we were all dead silent. Not one of us dared to breathe too loudly as Churchill confirmed that it was over. Simultaneously, we all exploded into shrieks and tears. We stood, hugging, in the middle of the stuffy kitchen for what felt like hours before we let go. As soon as we did I came up into my room to write to you.

I still can't believe it. For the first time in six years, there's hope. Hope for peace that this world has been deprived of.

I'm sure you're already packing your belongings and finding the earliest train to me, so I won't bother trying to get to you. Though I do hope that this letter gets to you before you depart. It's been a while since you have responded to my letters.

I'm sure I'm fretting over nothing, especially considering the fact that you are incredibly busy, but I've been worried sick about you. If you are in a hospital, please let me know which one. I don't care if I have to lug myself onto those cramped trains. I will come to you.

Just please send word that you are well. I will even accept a small note. Anything will suffice.

I love you, Arabella, I won't ever stop waiting for you.


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