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Celestia, our story is not over...
15 August 1945

I know what you mean, my love. It's hard to think about you as well. I spend every moment thinking of you. Hell, I've even been yelled at for spacing out while we move through this wasteland. I never imagined this would happen to us. Never in a million years. The plot twist was not supposed to be in our story. We were supposed to go home together. Never mind that now, I guess. We cannot change what has already happened; I will be home with you soon enough.

I assure you, Leste, your chicken coop smells much better than the front of this war.

It's atrocious. Everything is rotting, The grass that once grew where we walked is long, long gone. The remnants of animals that were eaten for dinner smell, too. And the men. Not only the ones dead but the ones alive. I can't remember the last time I cleaned myself properly. I'll never be able to properly describe what it was like, I don't even want to try, it's so horrid.

Everywhere we go, the ground is stained with an auburn sort of brown colour. And there are remnants of the men before us. Everywhere. Just yesterday I found a tattered coat with a pocket watch in it. There was a picture, too, of a father, mother, and a little girl. The father's face was smeared with blood.

But I don't want to talk about this. I want to tell you why a single silver chain fell out of this letter when you opened it.

When the unit was preparing to move, I found it at the bottom of my bag. I thought it had been lost in the rubble of the barracks when I didn't find it. I don't know how it got there, and I don't care. But, it's a blessing that I found it again. My mother and father had given it to me when I turned sixteen. That's all, just a single, silver chain necklace, without any pendants. They told me that they wanted me to travel the world, and find a pendant from every place I visited. I promised them I would. I haven't had the chance to find a pendant yet.

I'm giving it to you because I don't want it to be lost in this war. I want you to hold onto it for me, and when we return, we will fill it up with our journeys. We will fill it with souvenirs from every adventure we take together. I will get you a matching one, too, if you'd like.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again until it delivers true, but I can't wait to be in your arms again, my love. You do keep me going. Every word of yours reminds me why I'm fighting. You have, and always will be, my sunrise after a long night's battle.

I just have to make it through the battle first.

And then I will sit atop a green hill and watch you rise, scaring away my darkness. All will be well.

I just have to get through the battle.

There's not much I can write, Leste. I do not have a lot of time anymore. Williams keeps us moving. We hardly stop to even sleep. It's torture, and I'm scared shitless most of the time.

But I will tell you a quick story, my darling. For you. I'll do anything for you.

Do you remember the story of the two maidens? The golden princess and the cruealen maiden. I'm sure you do. But there is something I forgot to tell you.

A year after the two were on the island together, surviving and thriving, The cerulean maiden was ripped away from the island to return to the cerulean castle. The golden princess was left alone, home on their island, waiting for the maiden to return.

The cerulean maiden spent every waking moment in the castle trying to get back to her love. She tried to escape, but the Prince had locked her up. He didn't want her to leave again.

But their love, that pull on their hearts, was so strong, that the cerulean maiden escaped, and made it back to the golden princess. They hugged and wept each other when she returned, and neither of them let go of the other for the rest of their lives. They stayed together, just as they were meant to be.

And they lived happily ever after. The end.

I will find my way back to you, Leste. I promise. Until then, I send you everything I am, all my love, and more.

I love you, my darling.


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