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Celestia, it was only the beginning...
24 July 1945

I do, Leste, I know what you mean. But, I can't help but be thankful that we are here. Even if we are sitting in a mud and blood-filled trench, while we are shot at from above, at least we are together. Being able to see you every day helps me sleep at night.

It's like those first few days of our deployment.

It started in the back of those trucks. Thank the Lord above that you and I were assigned to the same one. We were loaded in with our supplies and a gun for each of us, along with five other men, while one drove. The back, at least, was covered like a square tent with linen. It was our only protection against the cold.

Leste, I don't think I ever knew how much self-control I had until that first night on the road. The ride was so bumpy, jostling us around consistently. I don't know how, but most of the men had fallen asleep. You sat beside me, toying with a piece of string. I was so cold, and all I wanted to do was bundle up next to you. But the man who sat across from us, a bloke called Johnny, I think, was still awake, staring at the ground at our feet.

"Are you alright?" I whispered so quietly, my lips brushing your ear. When I felt you shiver, Leste, I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm fine, love," you whispered back. Over the sound of the truck, there was no way the other, half lucid, men would hear us. The danger of it all heated my body.

"Your arm?"

"Yes, Arabella." I watched you look around before you pressed your lips against my neck, kissing me silently. I was no longer cold. In fact, my whole body was on fire, and I wanted that truck to be empty so I could do what I wished to you. Your lips on my neck were so soft, and when I felt your tongue brush my skin, I was ready to damn the consequences, throw every man out the back, and take you there.

"You are such a tease," I whispered into your ear, feeling your lips part into a smile on my neck. When you pulled back, and I saw the desire in your eyes, I was so close to standing up and getting rid of the men.

Instead, I settled on holding your hand, hidden from view by a blanket. I rubbed small circles with my thumb on your soft skin, and you squeezed my hand. I'm sure I was smiling until I fell asleep, reveling in the feeling of your skin on mine.

We spent one night and two days in that truck before we arrived at Lieutenant Williams's camp. It wasn't a camp like the one we had come from. It was more of an army base. A series of tents were set up, with the largest being in the center. Green crates were set out everywhere, as well as weapons. Men lounged around the camp, while some were rushing, shouting orders. I watched the Lieutenant walk towards our truck, as well as the others now arriving, from the largest tent. He was followed by a Captain.

"Attention, men!" he shouted, and we all straightened into a salute. He went on about being in an active warzone and eventually gave us our assignments. Most of us, including you and myself, were remaining at the base for the time being. I watched as Williams looked you up and down before handing you your assigned sleeping area. You only looked straight ahead, saying nothing as he moved onto me.

I remember how hot and sticky his breath was as he leaned in to whisper to me, "keep an eye on, Saxe. Tell me if you notice anything strange, Walker."

"Yes, sir," I told him, though my heart was thundering in my chest.

I had never been so scared in my life.


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A Glimpse Into My Mind
Moth: A Short Story
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My Divergent FanFic Series

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