Chapter - 12

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It had been a week since Captain Shekhawat and Col Shakti Chandra had been back in KMA and a lot had happened in this short week

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It had been a week since Captain Shekhawat and Col Shakti Chandra had been back in KMA and a lot had happened in this short week. The army had taken umbrage at the fact that one of their best soldiers had been kidnapped and held hostage by someone from within their own ranks. Though the intelligence wing had passed it off to the work of terrorists, a select few knew well that the terrorists, in this case, were within their ranks. This had led them to have increased protection in KMA, not just for the safety of the nuclear triggers but also for the protection of its two best officers – Col Chandra and Captain Shekhawat. But it had to happen covertly. A plan began forming in the upper echelons of the intelligence wing.

The two men in question behaved as if they had no clue regarding these developments, though truth be told both had their suspicions. Their department had been far too quiet for their liking, and Raj feared that this once mission may turn out to be bigger than what they had anticipated.

As they waited for their next instructions, Rajveer and Col. Chandra made this entire sequence to be a plot hatched by Major Nair. They knew first hand that they did not have enough proofs to nail the main culprit, but Major Nair was an important link in the entire chain and knew a lot about the ringleader. As such, the traitor would try to save Nair or better still, even try to kill the Major for saving his own skin.

Rajveer however did not want Nair to be left to the devices of the army. In his books, Nair deserved no leniency, more so because he had tried to hurt Naina... his Naina.

The cadets on the other hand were too busy to even take an active part in all these missions of their favourite teacher Captain Rajveer. They had their exams looming on their head and spent every available minute trying to study and learn the ropes which they had previously neglected in searching for Rajveer. While Rajveer had gone back to his teaching classes, he was forbidden from drill duty due to his health conditions along with his cadet Naina. He spent all this time in trying to unravel the mystery of Red Box, for though he had it in his possession, Naveen had left every single proof in coded form. And knowing how dangerous it could be, he wanted Naina and the others to stay far away from it. And so, on the pretext of friendly evenings, Rajveer, Col Chandra and Abhimanyu were burning the midnight oil in trying to decipher the codes which Naveen had left behind.

KMA however was in store for many more surprises.


New Delhi

21:00 Hours

"I hope you understand the instructions, Captain?" Sharp black eyes bored into brown orbs and the wizened instructor gave a hard look to his junior officer.

"Yes Sir."

"You know your job. You will have to report there tomorrow. We don't want to alert the enemy and so we will be informing them of your arrival only moments before the scheduled time. It may inconvenience you a bit, but it needs to be done."

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