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Barry pov:

Once the clock hit 6:15pm i got into my car and drove to Sara's house , i didn't ran there as i wanted today to be romantic as it was the first date with Caitlin again , i am wearing a suit a casual one that is , today i am bringing her out for dinner to the new french restaurant , she always talked about going to Paris and i know she wouldn't wanna be far away from the kids so this is the closest i could get for her to experience the french experience i bought some white roses and , i drove for about half an hour i stopped the car at the front door and got out , i knocked on the door and Brody opened it 

"What's the occasion"- Brody 

"Brody no , Hey Barry Mum's about done soon you can come in "-Blair , i smiled and walked in 

"So where you taking mum "-Blair 

"That is a secret cause i know you can't keep a secret"-Barry 

"Hey i can keep a secret"-Blair 

"Sure you can "-Brody joked , Blair glared at him and with that moment she was exactly like Caitlin , we chatted for abit more and caught up , Brody talked about his life now and Blair rolled her eyes i chuckled at the sight of my kids , while catching up  a familiar voice spoke 

"Hey you ready"-Caitlin , i turned around and i was frozen she was beautiful heck there was no words to describe the beauty i was looking at 

"Earth to Barry your drooling "-Sara, i rolled my eyes 

"you look amazing , let's go?"-I said offering her my hand she nodded and took it 

"Sara you will..."-Caitlin got cut off

"Yes yes if anything happens i will text you no worries go go , i would take care of these troublemakers"-Sara , Cait smiled at her and hugged the kids goodbye , we then went to my car and when i opened the passenger seat for her her face glowed when she saw the white roses on her seat , she then got in with the roses on her lap , i went to the driver seat and drove off  i couldn't help but stare at her as we drove 

"Eyes on the road Barry"-Caitlin 

"How can i? when i have the most beautiful women beside me"-I smiled at her, she shook her head , i like how i can make her smile with not so big of an effort , my left hand was on the wheel and the other took hers and i interlock our fingers together and kissed her hand. 

Thank god that traffic was normal , i stopped at the hotel , yes the restaurant is at the top floor i got out and opened the door for Caitlin, i passed the key to the valet boy and we headed in , we walked up to the elevator and i pressed the 50th floor the highest one , once it opened a waiter was there waiting 

"Good evening sir do you have a reservation"-Waiter

"Yes under Allen"-Barry

"ah yes , this way Mr and Mrs Allen "-He said leading the way , when we entered the restaurant it was kinda crowded luckily i managed to get a table , ours was somewhat in the middle of the room but at the side , me and Caitlin sat down and ordered , i got the steak and she ordered the pasta i had the waiter bring us some wine , he came back with Dom Perignon 1995


"Do you remember"-Barry

"The wine we drank on our wedding day Dom Perignon 1995"-Caitlin 

"Listen Cait , i want us to start over i dont want to rush things between us i love you and i wanna make things right again"-I say taking her hand 

"I lobe you too"-Caitlin , we spend the rest of the night together enjoying each others company after dinner i drove us to the park , and we walked around hand in hand , taking in the moment after a long chat i sent her home..

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