The More Things Change

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Drake: Okay, lets do this one more time. My name is Drake Kent. My brothers Damon and Donnie live in the West coast. We are built differently from other people. And that is to be expected, we are aliens after all. Aliens? They are real? Yeah. They are. We come from the Planet Koviya. We were sent here after a meteor shower. From there, we were adopted by two loving parents that were in their early 20's. This was 5 years ago. I was 10.  Damon was 7. Donnie was 3. Because we had no names we were given these names, Drake, Damon, and Donnie. We are triplets. Now this is not a story about us becoming super heroes. This is not a story about us fighting criminals on the regular basis. Well there will be bits, just roll with it. This is a story about how we each found the loves of our lives. Just like our tutor did. Fuutarou Uesugi.


Characters Bio:

Drake/Damon/Donnie Kent


Heights/ 5'3 a piece

Body Types/ Slim Fit

Skin Type/ Amber Red

Hair Colors/ Amber/blonde highlights 

Eye Colors/ Emerald orange

Personalities/ well rounded/short tempered

Hobbies/Sports/baking/cooking/ sewing/cleaning

Abilities/ Teleportation/ Super Strength/Agility

Hair Styles/Shaggy Locks/ Shaggy/ ponytail with two bangs


The Main Characters:


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Eldery woman: Thank you young man.

Drake: It was my pleasure. Stay safe Mrs. Kebbles!

Mrs. Kebbles nodded and waved goodbye to the young lad. Drake Kent. Damon Kent. Donnie Kent. Triplets born a few years apart. Yet that did not change the brotherly bond between the brothers. They lived in Denver Colorado. Not much happened there. They would travel from this state to that, practicing on how to use their powers. They were home-schooled. So they had time to do things like this. They would play games. They would go to museums. They would visit ancient caves of long ago. They were like explorers, always searching for mysteries. And no surprise, it was in their blood. One day, after another wild adventure, they were sat down in the living by their parents. Amy and Lucas Kent. Lucas had gotten another job. But it was located in the East Coast. Not the east coast in the states. The East Coast as in Asia. Namely? Tokyo. 


Damon: Tokyo?

Donnie: For real?

Drake: And we leave tomorrow?

Lucas nodded: Yes boys. I thought you three would be excited. This is an opportunity for us to see other places. I know you boys get sick of looking at the same thing over and over again. 

Drake: Yeah. But it's familiar to us. Going to another state that we never been to before. Let alone Tokyo...I'm nervous. What if we don't make any friends there?

Donnie: Yeah. We also have to leave the friends we made behind here.

Amy stooped to the boys level, embracing them. She said: I know its tough. Its a change.  A big change. But how can either of you grow if you don't learn different things? You want to explore the world don't you? See other lands? Other parts? Well this is the chance to do that. 

Drake: But what if we're not accepted?

Donnie: Or teased because we have powers?

Damon: Or hated because we have powers?

Lucas: That's simple, just don't use them as much. Only use them when you have to. There. That was an easy fix right?

Drake, Damon, Donnie: I guess.

Amy let go of the boys and added: You three will go to different schools as well.

The Boys: SCHOOL?!

Drake: Different schools?!

Donnie: Okay now this is going too far! We cannot separate! We are brothers mommy!

Amy: I know. But you three can't expect to go at the same school at the same time. Sure you three have the height for high school, but Japanese high schools are high advance. And it only last for 8 hours. 

Donnie: 8 hours?

Drake: Great. We have to move and go to different schools. 

Damon: This stinks. 

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