The Day Off/A Festival?

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Drake, Damon, Donnie: Twenty-five! Forty-two! Richard the Third! Henry theFourth, Part One, Part Two... HUP! 

Drake/ANNOUNCER: ... And the crown is snapped to Richard theSecond, that well spoken fourteenth-centurymonarch. He is fading back to pass, looking for anheir downfield, but there's a heavy rush from KingJohn.[Drake and King John stabs Donnie as Richard.] 

D/RICHARD II: "My gross flesh sinks downwards!" 

Drake/ANNOUNCER: The crown is in the air, and Henry the Sixthcomes up with it! 

Damon/HENRY VI: Victory is mine! 

Donnie/ANNOUNCER: But he's hit immediately by King John. Ohno! He is cutting Henry the Sixth into three parts,that has gotta hurt![King John slices up Henry.]This could be the end of the War of the Roses Cycle![King John grabs the crown and runs in place with it.} 

Damon/ANNOUNCER: King John is in the clear... 

Donnie/KING JOHN: My soul hath elbow room!" 

Drake/ANNOUNCER: He's a the forty, the thirty, the twenty--[Damon sneaks up from behind and pantomimespouring something into Donnie's mouth.] –ooh, but he'spoisoned on the ten-yard line! [Damon snatches thecrown and puts in on. Donnie exits.] Looks like he's out of the game. Replacing him now is number seventy-two, King Lear. 

Drake/LEAR: Divide we our kingdom in three, Cordelia, you go long...[Damon enters, throwing a penalty flag and blowing awhistle.] 

Donnie/ANNOUNCER: There is a penalty marker![Damon makes a hand signal and points at Lear.]Fictional character on the field. Lear is disqualified,and he's not happy about it. 


Damon/ANNOUNCER: Lining up now is that father-son team ofHenry the Fourth and Prince Hal. Center snaps tothe quarterback... quarterback gives to thehunchback. It looks like Richard the Third's limp isgiving him trouble. 

Donnie/RICHARD III: "My horse, My horse! My kingdom for a horse!" 

[Damon tackles Richard III.] 

Drake/ANNOUNCER: There's a pile-up on the field. 

Donnie /ANNOUNCER: FUM-BLE!!! And Henry the Eighth comesup with it. He's at the fifteen, the ten... He stops atthe five-yard line to chop off his wife's head... 

Damon/HENRY VIII: Who's your daddy?

Drake and Donnie/ANNOUNCER: TOUCHDOWN for the Red Rose! Oh my!You gotta believe this is the beginning of a Tudordynasty!

Drake/Damon/Donnie as cheerleaders: Henry the Fifth, Richard theThird. This whole family is frickin' absurd! Go,[insert name of local favorite sports team.]! Yay!

Drake: See? I told you guys that would be fun. 


Donnie: Someone's at the door.

Drake: Who could it be?

Damon: You are the older brother. Find out. 

Drake: Okay Okay.


Drake: .......Fuutarou? Itsuki? Well this is a surpirse. What are you guys doing here? 

Fuutarou: I am so glad you asked! Raiha wants to go to the arcade because I just got my pay! And she was wondering if we could all go together!

Drake: In short, you need our help. How did this happen again?

Donnie peered his out of the townhome that he and his brothers lived in. He said: Raiha's here?! Raiha!

Raiha: Donnie! I missed you!

Donnie, embracing Raiha back, said to her: I missed you too!

Fuutarou:....You know him?

Raiha: Yeah! He's my best friend! We go to the same school together!

Itsuki and Drake: Huh. Small world.

Drake eyed Itsuki. She was dressed lovely and smelled nice. Itsuki noticed and blushed. She turned away and said: What are you staring at?

Drake: The most beautiful woman I have ever seen. 

Itsuki gasped. She turned to face Drake. She said: You really mean that?

Drake: Oh you have no idea. 

Damon: Love is in the air. 

Donnie: I smell Oxygen. Does love have the same smell as Oxygen?

Damon: I think so. Well, give us a moment to throw something on, call our parents and we'll be ready to go.

Fuutarou smiled: Great. We'll wait for you guys. 



Itsuki x Drake

Nino x Damon

Raiha x Donnie or Ichika x Donnie/ whoever you decide.

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