Nino The Pervert/Proven Innocent Until Truthfully Guilty

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Fuutarou: Crap!

Drake: What is it?

Fuutarou: I forgot my flash cards!

Drake: They were on the table right? 

Fuutarou: Yeah. You're going to go get them for me? 

Drake smiled and replied: Just so you don't have to go back in there. In the meantime look after my brothers while I'm gone okay?

Fuutarou: It's a deal. Heard that boys, gotta keep my eyes on ya!

Damon and Donnie: Right!


Drake: Odd. Can't enter inside the building. 'I can't use my powers while Tarou's around either' Hmm, I wonder what this button does? *Hits the buzzer*

Miku: What is it? Oh. Drake. What do you want?

Drake: Miku? 

Miku: I'm speaking to you through the camera silly.

Drake: Oh. I knew that. Anyways, Tarou forgot his flash cards and I wanted to get them for him.

Miku: I'm in the shower right now. 

Drake: It's not a problem, I'll be in and out in a jiff I promise. 

Miku:....Okay. I trust you.


Now Drake was unaware that he was not talking to Miku. But Nino instead! She sat on the couch blow-drying her when she heard Drake come through the door. 

Drake: Hello? I'm coming in Miku. 

Nino: Oh that was me. Nino. Surprise.

Drake, when he saw Nino in nothing but a towel, said: Okay. This is bad. I am just going to get the flash cards and I will be on my way. 

Nino: They're sitting on the table. Hey, could you also help me find my contacts? I don't know where I placed them last.

Drake: Uh. Sure thing. Lemme see...Where did you have them last? 

Nino: In the Kitchen cabinet. 

Drake: Really? Weird place to put them.

Nino got up and approached Drake who was in the kitchen. She said: I know. I know. Hey Drake, why does your brother hate me?

Drake: Hate is a strong word in my family. Which one?

Nino: Donnie. He is such a cute little boy but I fear that Miku is brainwashing him.

Drake: Brainwashing? Can she do that? Doubtful. What made you say that?

Nino: He ate Miku's dish and didn't lay a utensil into mines. He also said that I'm a trouble maker. And I never caused trouble for you or him or Damon. How do I go about getting him on my side?

Drake: Well Donnie is the baby of the family. He'll naturally be on your side if he sees good in you. The problem is you have done so much bad that Donnie can't see the good. 

Nino: But I'm not bad at all.

Drake: You drugged our tutor.

Nino: He started it first.

Drake: Yes. But that scared Donnie. He won't admit because he wants to be like us. Strong and fearless. But on the inside, he's not use to seeing traits like that. The best way to get on his side is to be less cunning and more kind. You do that, Donnie will love you just like he loves Miku. 

Nino: He mentioned that he always wanted sisters. Is that true?

Drake: Since he could learn how to talk. He always wanted to protect something. And at times he did have that. At times he didn't. Some of his friends didn't accept him because he could...Do things...Different...From them.  Yeah. 

Nino: Poor little guy. 

Drake: Yeah. Anyways, I found them. And here you go-

Nino was inches away from Drake's face. Because she was taller than he, her breast were inches from his face. He tried to move away, but then Fuutarou and his brothers came inside. Fuutarou: Hey Drake, we got worried about you so we asked Miku if she could-WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!

Nino screamed and yelled: FUUTAROU! YOU PERVERT! WHO ASKED YOU TO-

Time slowed down. Nino tripped. Drake was in the open. Perfect time to use his powers. Instead, rather than let Nino get hurt, he let her fall on top of him. 

Nino: Drake! Are you alright?!

Drake: Augh.....

Damon, Donnie, Fuutarou: DRAKE!

Itsuki and Miku raced down the stairs, wondering what was going on. That was when Itsuki anger boiled over. With her own eyes, she saw Nino resting her naked body on top of Drake. 

Itsuki:....Nino....Steal my man...Will you?.....

Drake shook off the dizziness and said to Itsuki: Itsuki. This is not what it looks like.

Donnie: What does it look like? What is going on?

Damon: Donnie, I think it would be a good idea for us to wait outside.

Donnie: Aw do we have to?

Damon: Now.

Donnie: Okay.


Itsuki: You got some nerve Nino. 

Nino: Itsuki it was an accident! Drake said it himself! 

Itsuki: What were you DOING back in here anyway?!

Drake: Just to get Tarou's flash cards. I saw Nino blow drying her hair and then she asked to help her find her contacts. I didn't know that she got up and was helping me try to find them until I found them and turned around. Nothing happened Itsuki honest. I would never do that to you. 

Miku: I believe you Drake. Itsuki, it was an accident. There is no need to be upset with him. 

Itsuki: I am not upset with Drake. But I am upset with you Nino. You Pervert!

Nino: Pervert?! You take that back!

Itsuki: Make me!

Nino: Tempt me and I will!

Nino turned to face Fuutarou. She said with a low growl: You....This is all YOUR FAULT!

Donnie: Hold her back! She's about to lunge!

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