The More Things Change/Part 2

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?: Students, this is Drake Kent. He comes from the western coast of the world. He will be starting his freshman year at our academy. Please give him a warm welcome and treat him with kindness. 

The students: Welcome Drake!



?: Welcome to our middle school Damon. We hope to expect the best from you. And welcome to Tokyo.

Damon: Yes Ma'am.


?: Welcome Donnie. We hope to expect you to get comfortable at your new elementary school. There is no need to be afraid. We do not bite. We have been told that you come from the west coast. You must be very smart to come here to the east.


?: Would you like to tell us your hobbies?

Donnie: I cook. I sew. I play sports. I hang out with my brothers.

A girl caught his attention. She had blue hair and blue eyes. She said: You have brothers?! I do too! I have a brother and his name is Fuutarou Uesugi! 

Donnie:....Oh. My brothers names are Drake and Damon. We're Triplets. 

?: Triplets? My goodness. I would assume you all look alike then.

Donnie: We do. That's why we have different hairstyles. Other than my hobbies, that is all. I am also shy. So...Yes. 

The teacher, who was female, clapped for Donnie and said: And yet you showed no signs of shyness. That makes you very brave. 

Donnie: It does?

She nodded: It does Mr. Kent. If you would like, please sit anywhere you would like.

The blue haired girl asked the teacher: Can he sit with me?!

The teacher replied: Are you sure?

The blue haired girl nodded. The teacher smiled and said: Very well. Donnie, would you like to sit by Ms. Raiha Uesugi?

Raiha smiled radiantly at Donnie. Which caused him to smile and nod. When he sat by her, she said to him: Hi, my name is Raiha! Don't worry about a thing! With me around, you're going to be just fine!

Donnie:....Okay. I'm Donnie. 

Raiha: I know. Lets get started on a wonderful day okay?

Donnie smiled: Okay.


Drake: What is wrong with us sharing a table? Seriously this is childish.

Fuutarou: I like to sit alone where I can have some peace and quiet thank you.

Itsuki: And I like to sit to myself and eat in peace. So why don't you both move?

Drake sighed. It was lunch break at his new high school. Amy packed him a huge lunch because of his metabolism. He found a open space where he could sit and eat in peace. One problem. This spot was the spot of Fuutarou Uesugi, the upperclassmen and the smartest male in Drake's new school. This was supposed to be the spot for Itsuki Nakano. She was one of the popular girls at Drake's new school.

Drake: Look none of this is getting us anywhere. Let us just sit down and have lunch. Please.

Fuutarou:...Hey...You're that new freshmen. From the West Coast.

Drake: Yeah. My name is Drake. Drake Kent. You are?

Fuutarou: Fuutarou Uesugi. 

Itsuki: I am Itsuki Nanako-

Fuutarou: No one asked you. 

Itsuki: Bah-Why you-

Drake: Itsuki? I thought it was blossom. Because of your hair.

Itsuki: My...My hair?

Drake: Yeah. But I think it's too red. So Rose would have been the perfect name for you if it was.

Itsuki was baffled: You. You think so?

Drake grinned: Yeah! Oh, and I was wondering if there was a place that hold translation dictionaries. I am going to need those to decipher the language spoken here. 

Itsuki: I would be honored to show you where that is.

Fuutarou: She wouldn't be able to find it if she was blind.

Itsuki: Why you insulting-

Drake: Okay, lets sit down and chow down everyone! Unless you all want all eyes on you bickering like an angry couple.

Itsuki and Fuutarou looked around. Their roster eyed them as though they were as Drake said. They quickly sat down and began eating. Itsuki was rich, but the problem was she was dumb as a rock. How dumb was she? She spend 1030 yen on food. That was how dumb she was. Compared to Fuutarou, who was studying as he was eating.

Drake: What is that in your hand? Small notes?

Fuutarou: Yes. I like to study during lunch. 

Drake: Wow. 

Itsuki: Look at his test paper, its obvious that he failed a test. 

Itsuki took the paper that was on Fuutarou's tray. Her expression was of shock when she found out that Fuutarou got a straight hundred on his test.

Drake: May I see it? *Looks at the test paper* Amazing. It seems your repetition pays off Fuutarou. Do you mind if I call you Tarou?

Fuutarou: Nah. You can.

Itsuki: I hate to admit it but I am not very good at school work. 

Drake: We can't always be good at everything.

Itsuki: True. Nonetheless, Fuutarou, would you be so kind as to-

Fuutarou finished his meal before Itsuki could go further with her request. He got up and was on the verge of walking away, until Itsuki said: Wait! You couldn't be finished that fast!

Fuutarou: I am a fast eater too. 

Itsuki: That little bit of food couldn't have filled you up that quickly. I would love to share mines with you if you help me study~

Fuutarou: No thanks. Anyways, I have class next. Oh and one more thing...Don't get fat from spending so much on food. 

That struck Itsuki's nerve like you wouldn't believe. Even Drake was shocked at the comment. Itsuki stomped away from Fuutarou and sat down with Drake. She said to Drake: Can you believe that jerk?!

Drake: I honestly don't want to. I wish I can help with your studies but I'm not good with foreign language here. Nevertheless, if it would make you feel better, I wouldn't mind studying with you. 

Itsuki: You wouldn't?

Drake smiled: No way. Besides, I'm new here and I don't have any friends. You could be my first best friend. What do you say?

Itsuki smiled, forgetting what Fuutarou said to her. She said: I would be honored. Put it there! Friend!

Drake grinned and shook Itsuki's hand. Making friends was more easy than he thought.

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