School/Miku is Secretly Intelligent?

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Drake: Huh. I just realize something. Yotsuba said that Miku was the smartest of the 5. If that's true then why is she letting her intelligence go to waste? I'm sure Tarou wants to know that too. Wait does he even know this?-

Drake heard a car horn beeping out for him. It was the next day. He dropped his brothers off at their schools and headed to his own. Until he heard the car horn that belonged to a Limo. The back window rolled down to reveal Itsuki. She waved and said: Morning Drake!

Drake: Morning. Wow. Cool Limo. You take that everyday to school?

Yotsuba: Yep! Hiya Drake!

Drake: Hi Yotsuba.

Itsuki: You wanna ride with us to school?

Drake: I don't want to impose.

Yotsuba: Nonsense! Come on Drake!

Drake:...Okay. If you say so. 'Lord please don't let them kill me.'


Fuutarou: They actually gave you a ride in their Limo?

Drake: Yeah. By the way, did you notice something?

Fuutarou: About yesterday?

Drake: Yeah. Yotsuba mentioned that Kimu was the smartest out of the 5 girls.

Fuutarou: Miku? Yeah...You're right. I'm glad you brought that up. I overlooked her test score. Apparently the answer to the question I asked them was the one she got right.

Drake: You might need to talk to her more about it then. Maybe she'll open up if you do. In the meantime, I can see if I can whip up a strategy.

Fuutarou: What Strategy did you have in mind?

Drake: Won't know until it comes to me. Well Lunch is about to start, if you want to get her attention about her intelligence, you better act on it now.

Fuutarou: Right!


Raiha: So you were doing a study group with my big brother?! That is so cool! 

Donnie: Yeah and he even went to sleep. 

Raiha: He studies alot which explains it.

Donnie: I see. 'Secretly he got drugged. But there is no way I am telling Raiha that. She needs to hear from her brother herself. If he will tell her.

Raiha: So what was it like being around a bunch of girls? Were you scared? 

Donnie: Me? Scared? Yes. I never been around girls besides Mom and a few of my friends back in Denver. 

Raiha: You had to leave them behind to come here huh? 

Donnie: Yeah. 

Raiha: Don't worry. I'll be your new friend from now on!

Donnie: Really?!

Raiha grinned and said: Yep! I promise! Friends forever!

Donnie smiled back. Raiha was starting to grow on Donnie. What did this mean? Donnie could only wonder. 

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