Meeting The Quintuplets/The Study Group

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Fuutarou: My name is Fuutarou Uesugi...I will be your tutor...Lets make studying fun and magical!

Damon: Is he talking to us?

Drake: Apparently, all the girls went into their rooms.

Yotsuba: Here I am boys! Sorry I'm late! Here are some drinks!

Donnie: Thank you. 

Damon: Thank you.

Drake: Well saved one. Thanks.

Yotsuba: My pleasure! 

Fuutarou: So where's Itsuki? Didn't she agreed with you that she would agree to have me tutor her Drake?

Drake: Yes. But I think she might be still steamed about earlier. We may have to check on her. 

Yotsuba: Hey...You're that new boy from the west coast!

Drake: Hi. My name is Drake Kent. This is Damon. And Donnie.

Donnie: Hewo.

Damon: We're triplets. 

Yotsuba: Cool! My name is Yotsuba! 

Fuutarou: You're the girl with the Zero on her test.

Yotsuba chuckled nervously. Drake asked her: So you want to study with us too?

Yotsuba: Of course I do where else would I be?!

Fuutarou: Yotsuba...Thank you. Please allow me to hug you.

Drake: Hold on lover boy. We have to round up the others first.


Drake: Bedrooms side by side. For a nice apartment I suppose you could be given that kind of privilege. *Knock-Knock-Knock* Istuki, come on didn't you say you wanna study?

Itsuki opened the door and said to Drake: I changed my mind.

Drake: But-why? 

Itsuki: Because looking at him makes me sick. You can study with me in my room and i'll help you with whatever you need. But he can sit on a rail road spike for all I care.

Itsuki slammed the door. Lightly. In Drake's face. Drake said to Fuutarou: This is what I call Karma.


Miku: The answer is no. I would rather fail than have this scum tutor me.

Damon: Aw, come on, give him a chance. We are. 

Miku: You are boys. It is natural.

Damon: But girls matter as much as boys.

Donnie: It's true. Look at the rape report.

Drake: DONNIE!

Donnie: Blame the internet don't blame me!

Drake: Of course, blame the internet excuse!

Donnie: But it's true!

Miku: I change my mind. I will come down to study. If you let me hold him.

Miku pointed at Donnie. Donnie looked to the left and to the right. Then he pointed at himself: Me?

Miku: Yes. Please?

Donnie: Oh dear.


Fuutarou: Come on! Open up! Nino! Open up!

Yotsuba: I don't she's in her room. She must have stepped out.

Damon: How? She doesn't have-

Drake: Zip your lip Damon. 

Yotsuba: Doesn't have what? Powers?

Drake, Donnie, Damon: Uh.

Yotsuba laughed and said: Of course not! This is just her daily habit is all! That leaves us with the last of the sisters! Uh...Ichika....I bear you warning...Her room is a jungle.


Drake: Whew! It smells rotten in here! 

Damon: I think I stepped in something.

Donnie: I can't see. Where's the light?

Fuutaoru: Let me.

Fuutaoru hit the light switch. The lights came on and Ichika was found asleep in her bed. Until she yawned and woke up. She looked at the boys and waved. She said: Hi fellas. Wanna snuggle.

Donnie: What does snuggle mean?

Damon: Cuddling.

Donnie: Oh.

Ichika: Well, which one of you wanna snuggle?

Drake: I think I will pass thanks.

Damon: I guess so-

Drake: Don't.

Damon: But she is offering.

Drake: She does not have any clothes on.

Donnie: Whoa! she sleeps naked?!

Drake: Way to go Damon. Keep this up and he will lose his innocence before adulthood.

Fuutarou: Ugh...Boys wait downstairs. Yotsuba, make sure she's ready okay?

Yotsuba: Ay-Ay Captain!


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