Changed Your Mind/Meeting The Quintuplets

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Fuutarou: Hey Drake!

Drake: Hmm? Oh hey Tarou. You know you were really mean to Itsuki at lunch earlier.

Fuutarou: I know! I wanted to apologize! Do you know where she is?!

Drake: She was going to meet with me here so we could go to the library. 

Fuutarou: I see. It's to help you right. Well, I can help with with understanding our foreign language and our culture. If you can help me get on Itsuki's good side that is.

Drake cocked a brow. He said: What brought on this change of heart?

Fuutarou: Oh no reason! 

Drake: Tarou....

Fuutarou sighed. He said: Okay Okay. I need her help. I heard she's really rich and that she's looking for a tutor! See I live a poor life and that's why I'm so indifferent towards people!

Drake: So basically despite your intelligence you are an outcast? Not surprising.

Fuutarou: Please help me get on her good side! If you don't I won't be able to help my family with their debt! Please!

Drake: Okay. But you better make your apology genuine as possible. Women can smell fakers from a mile away-

Itsuki: Hey Drake. Oh. What does he want?

Drake, turning to face Itsuki, said to her: He wanted to apologize for how rude he was to you during lunch. He also wants to take up your offer as far as tutoring you. 

Itsuki: Hmp! Too little, Too late! Come on Drake! The library is going to close soon!

Drake: Itsuki, think about this for a moment, if you hire him to help you, you can help me decipher the language used here. 

Fuutarou: I was going to-

Drake: Quiet!

Itsuki: Hmm...I am growing suspicious. What are you and him planning?

Drake: Nothing. He really is sorry and he wants to help you out. 

Itsuki:......Alright. Fine! But only because you asked me Drake! Listen up Fuutarou! You got one strike you hear me?! Not three, one! You screw up, you're fired! Understand me?!

Drake: Isn't that a little harsh?

Itsuki: He was the one who bit the hand that tried to feed him, now he coming back with his tail tuck between his legs. Oh and to sweeten the pot, Drake, you will be apart of the study group.

Drake: As long as I can bring my brothers. Then you gotta deal.

Itsuki and Fuutarou: You have brothers?

Drake: Yeah-Oh crud! I forgot, schools over that means I gotta pick them up! But I dunno where the school is! Come on, where is it, where is it?! Aha! *Pulls out a piece of paper* There you are! This is where their schools are.

Istuki looked at the paper: Hey...They're not that far from here.  Let's go round them up and then we'll go on from there okay?

Drake: Thanks Itsuki.

Itsuki smiled: my pleasure.


Donnie: Whoa! I never rode in a cab before!

Damon: Neither have I. But it is a bit crowded in here.

Drake: well, there is us and Itsuki. At least we got some leg room right?

Damon and Donnie: I guess.

Drake: Why didn't Tarou wanted to come with?

Itsuki: He said he would meet us later after he dropped his sister off at home. 

Donnie: Raiha....She's this Tarou's sister? 

Drake: Yeah. Tarou is well a colleague of mine. Itsuki is my new friend. And from the looks of it, you made a friend too Donnie.

Donnie giggled: Yeah. She's the coolest girl ever. 

Drake: I can see that from your blush. 

Donnie's blush deepend

Itsuki: Aw, he is so cute. Donnie was it?

Drake: Yep. That's Damon. And I'm Drake.

Itsuki: Donnie, Drake, Damon. Not too original I see.

Drake laughed: Not really.


Drake, Donnie, Damon: Whoa...This place is huge.

Itsuki: This is my home boys. Come on, lets go get comfy.

Drake: Shouldn't we wait for Tarou?

Itsuki: I'll buzz him in.

Drake: Okay. If you say so.


Fuutarou was running as fast as he could. He finally arrived at Itsuki's place. A huge Apartment complex. Fuutarou: This must be the place. And there they are! I gotta catch them!

Two girls stood in Fuutarou's way. Prior at school, Fuutarou had encountered both of them. The one with the ribbons demanded: What are you doing here? Are you stalking us?

Fuutarou: Stalking? No I'm the tutor-

?: I don't care! Nobody likes you! Get lost!

Fuutarou: Well I would. But there is just one problem. I live here.

That changed the girl's attitude really quick. She said: My apologize sir. I didn't know that. 

The other girl repeated what the Fuutarou had ordered earlier from lunch: BBQ Beef. Hold the BBQ. Are you on some sort of a diet?

Fuutarou panicked. He ran towards the opening and towards the elevator. However, he missed them. So he had to take the stairs. All the way to the 30th floor.  He opened the door. Out of breath. He said: I made it. I finally made it. 

Drake: You took the stairs?

Fuutarou: Did you not see me?! I went through hell before I could reach the elevator! I was forced to take the stairs because of you guys!

Itsuki: In our defense, we didn't care. 

Fuutarou: You....

Drake: Now now everyone calm down-

The elevator door opened. 4 girls came out of it and walked towards their door. Until they saw Itsuki with three other boys. 

?: It's him!

?: He beat us up here. Impressive for someone his age. 

?: Nice to see you again Fuutarou!

?: Itsuki, who are those other boys~ They're cute~

Drake:....How do they know you? 

Itsuki: Oh I should have told you. These are my sisters: Nino. Miku. Ichika. Yotsuba. We are Quintuplets.

Fuutarou and the Triple D's: Quintuplets?!/Quintuplets? 

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