Study Group/ Romance Talk

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Drake: So Ichika, you were talking about falling in love until Tarou destroyed that dream in 0.5 seconds. Is that what you think High School is about?

Donnie: It's like that in the movies.

Ichika: See? Donnie gets it.

Itsuki: What do you think High school is for?

Drake:....A facility to evolve into your career field?

Damon: That what it is supposed to be. And I'm not even in high school.

Nino: Yeah. You're a middle schooler. Wow that must suck. Such a shame you'll never find a decent girl there.

Damon: Decent girl? To what fall in love?

Nino: Of course.

Damon: I can barely fall asleep. How can I fall in love? Is that even possible?

Drake: In the movies. But it differs from Reality. Romance in reality is...Warp to say the least. 

Donnie: Warp? How so?

Drake: Well...Sex before Marriage is one. Not knowing a person or growing up beside them is two. Seeing other women/ men on the side that's three. Picking up...Uh. Well. Pixies, for lack of a better word if four.

Fuutarou: Pixies?

Drake: You know what I mean.

Nino: Prostitutes?

Donnie: What's a prostitute?

Drake eyed Nino. Nino replied: What? He would have known eventually. 

Drake:....I am trying to keep this child pure as possible. And you are trying to impure him with the knowledge of the dark side of the world. 

Nino: That wasn't me! Well it was! But not that me!

Drake: Oh dear. 'So I was right. She does have a personality disorder.'

Miku: Drake, if you would like, I would love to keep Donnie pure for you. 

Drake:.....I dunno what to say to that.

Fuutarou:.....What is it with this romance talk?

Yotsuba: Well, its what happens when a boy and a girl love each other very much-

Drake and Damon: Stop!

Fuutarou: I know what it is, but why is it more important than studying?

Drake: Because it's something that bounds to happen to the least of us. Personally I wouldn't mind falling in love one day. 

Itsuki's ears perked hearing this. She said: You do.

Drake: Yes. I know I'm only 15. But I want a family of my own. I always wondered how I would turn out as a dad. I have been a father to my brothers before we....Before we....

Itsuki: Before what?

Drake: Nothing. It's personal.

Miku: You can tell us.

Nino: Yeah come on Drake.

Ichika: Tell us.

Drake: It's personal. But when times comes, I may tell you all. Anyways, we need to get our studying done. Afterwards we can chit chat. Okay? 

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