Study Group/The Cook Off

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Yotsuba: Alrighty everyone! It's that time again! Study groups! Let's go!

Itsuki: I will do my studying over here with Drake. Now Drake, 人が1750マイル以内にあるポイントCに到達するために500マイルで走る場合、必要な速度の量に等しいBは何ですか?Means,  If a person runs at 500 miles to get to point C which is within 1750 miles, What is B which will equal to the amount of speed needed?

Drake: Oh...So that's what it is asking. Okay. Now how do I write the answer out?

Itsuki smiled and said: Allow me to show you.

Miku: As you promised Fuutarou, we are studying Japanese History.

Damon: I wanna study that.

Donnie: Me too! I love history! Hey, are there caves in Japan that we can explore?!

Everyone but Damon and Drake: Caves?

Damon and Drake: Donnie!

Donnie: Oops nevermind. Forget I said anything.

Miku giggled, she held Donnie and said: You are the weirdest boy I ever met. Beside Fuutarou here. 

Fuutarou: What is that suppose to mean?

Nino: Well...Well...Well...You just don't know when to quit do you Fuutarou? Hello Damon.

Damon: What are you scheming this time Nino? And to ask right now, how bad will it effect us?

Nino: You have nothing to fear. This one is for Fuutarou and ONLY FUUTAROU.

Fuutarou eyed Nino and said: Trust me, whatever you have planned for me, just know  I came prepared. So do your worst.

Drake: You should not have said that. 

Fuutarou: Eh? What are you talking about?

Damon: Too late now. Uh. Drake. Nino's got that insidious look again. 

Donnie: Nino should eat more carrots.

Nino:....Oh Yotsuba, don't you have practice today? After all the person that was suppose to take your spot broke a bone in her ankle. You wouldn't want to disappoint them no? After all your hard work to make the team?

Yotsuba panicked. She said: Oh man! I can't abandon my team! We'll study another time boys! My team needs me!

Fuutarou: Yotsuba wait!

Drake: And then there were 7.

Damon: That still counts as something right?

Nino: Oh Ichika?

Drake: You just had to jinx it.

Damon: I'm sorry!

Nino: Aren't suppose to be at work?

Ichika: Oh right! I better get going! I'll see you guys later! *Before leaving, she gives Damon a kiss on the cheek * By Damon~

Damon: Bye?

Donnie: Wow...His first girl kiss. Does he get another?

Drake sighs: And then there six.

Nino: Itsuki? 

Drake paled. 'Oh no. Not good.'

Nino: I have taken a liking to Drake. Wouldn't be a great idea if you two studied in your room. Away from Fuutarou?

Drake got paler. If that was possible. He said: Her room? Study? Alone? In her room? Alone? Study?

Itsuki rubber her chin: That does sound like a wonderful idea. Come on Drake, let's go study in my room. 

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