The Fesitval/Fireworks

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Raiha tagged Donnie behind her. She said: Come on Donnie! Lets try that game first!

Donnie: Okay. 

Fuutarou: I see that your brother is pretty friendly with Raiha. 

Drake chuckled: Sorry about that. 

Fuutarou: No it's no problem. To be honest, Raiha hardly has any friends. And seeing her friends with your brother is warming to see. She's been through much in her life. And as her brother, its my duty to make all of her dreams come true. 

Drake: Just like me. I have the same mission. My brothers mean the world to me. And seeing them achieve what I can achieve later, it brings a smile to my face. 

The group: Fuutarou, Drake, Itsuki, Donnie, Damon, and Raiha, were at the arcade. Raiha led Donnie into the facility filled with games and prizes. While their older siblings and friends followed behind them. Each of them played games. Won prizes. And the cherry on top, they all took a group picture. 

Fuutarou held his sister's hand. Raiha was arm in arm with Donnie. Damon rested his arm on his brother's head. Grinning. Drake held bunny ears above his Damon's head. His free arm was around Itsuki's waist. Itsuki rest her head ontop of Drake's because she too was taller than him. By a few inches. 


Raiha: So Donnie, have you ever seen fireworks before?

Donnie: Only on the fourth of July. And Memorial day. Those are special days held in the west coast. 

Raiha: Oh yeah? Well this festival holds a firework ceremony every year! And this is going to be your first chance to see it!

Donnie grinned: Cool! I can't wait!

Itsuki: Aw...They look so cute together. 

Damon: They aren't the only ones. Holding Itsuki a bit close are you not Drake? What does that mean?

Drake: Not to worry about it. 

Damon: Itsuki, are you going to be our new sister?

Donnie: New sister?!

Itsuki blushed red again. She said: Damon! That's too early!

Damon: Yet you two are cozy by another. It had to be asked.

Drake: Damon...

Nino: Damon?


Drake: Yotsuba? Nino? Ichika? Miku? What are you guys wearing?

Yotsuba: These? They're called Kimonos!

Donnie: Kimonos....Kimonos...Kimonos. I got it.

Miku: What brings you out here Donnie? 

Donnie: I'm with my friends and my brothers! And guess what?! There's a chance that Itsuki might be our new sister!

Drake said to Damon: I blame you for this.

Damon said back to Drake: It was bound to happen anyways. Now all it needs is the conformation.

Nino: Damon...

Damon: Yes? 

Nino: How do I look in my Kimono?

Damon rubbed his chin. He said: Honestly? If you were not such a trouble maker, you would look like an angel descend from heaven.

Nino was not expecting that compliment from Damon. She blushed and turned away from Damon. Her face was heated. So much so Nino thought she would faint. She turned back around and said: Thank you. It means. So much to me. 

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