The Study/Fuutaoru Gets Drugged

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Donnie: Come on Drake, lemme have just one cookie. Just one.

Drake: No. Beside they could be set up for Tarou.

Fuutarou: What makes you say that?

Drake: Yotsuba myself Damon and Donnie are the only ones studying. 

Miku: What about me?

Drake: You are holding to my brother like a plush toy.

Miku: It's not my fault. He's cuddly. 

Donnie blushed: You think I'm cuddly.

Drake: Damon help me out here before this chick goes full pedo. 

Damon: I don't think she would do that. 

Drake: Are you really going to trust them?

Itsuki: Are you saying you don't trust us Drake?

Drake: You all barely trust Tarou. What makes my brothers and I any different?

Itsuki: You were nice to me. And you wanted to be my friend right?

Ichika: Her BOYfriend?

Itsuki blushed: Mind your business Ichika!

Ichika: You are my business!

Nino: Drake I can assure you that everything is fine. You have nothing to fear. You are not the enemy. He is!

Drake gulped. 'Her voice changed instantly. She must have a split personality disorder. Given her situation, that would not be a surprise.' He thought before he said: Well I think I am getting the hang of the language written on these assignments and books. If I keep this up I'll be soaring through my academics in no time. 

Damon: Lets hope so. And not any wishful thinking.

Nino: I'm going to get drinks. Anyone want anything in particular?

Drake: We're fine thank you. 

Damon: I want something to drink.

Donnie: Can I too?

Nino: Of course boys. Drake, you need not to worry. You ARE not the enemy. So enjoy and relax. Okay?

Drake: I think I will stay on pins and needles thank you.


Drake: I cannot believe  Your sister drugged our tutor! Is she mad?! Tell us honestly?!

Itsuki: Look, he asked for it. He's just wasting his time.

Drake: And what are we doing then? Twiddling our thumbs? Donnie, are you feeling alright?

Donnie: I feel fine.

Drake: Damon?

Damon: No sign of being drugged here.

Drake: Phew. Thank God. Mom and dad would have my head. Look Itsuki, I want to you and to be friends but your sisters cannot do things like this. Not around my little boy. 

Donnie: It's okay big brother. 

Drake: No it is not okay. I know you're angry about earlier. I get that. He should not have made fun of your weight. No man should. At the same time, what you and your sisters did could get you all time in juvie. I don't want that. Neither do my brothers. Thank you for the ride by the way, but please ease up on whatever revenge plans you have for Taoru. Okay? 

Itsuki: Hmp. Fine. But only because you asked me to. And I'm sorry if my sisters scared you boys. 

Damon: I was more surprised than scared.

Donnie: Same here. But we accept your apology. 

Itsuki smiled and said to the boys: Wonderful. 

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