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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐀. 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝
𝖯𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽, 𝖮𝗋𝖾𝗀𝗈𝗇 ⇒ 2:00 PM


Sephari sat on her bed, watching her mom crush up sugar. She watched all of her movements closely.

She watched as her mom, Nadia, bent over, smelling the sugar.

"Mom, can I go outside?", she asked.

She felt like this was the perfect opportunity to ask for certain stuff. Her mom seems more relaxed, more lenient after she inhaled sugar.

Well, she thought it was sugar...

Nadia weakly nodded, wishing that her daughter would just leave already.

"Can I also get my tablet back?", she asked.

Nadia sank into Sephari's beanbag chair, waving Sephari off. She wanted to be left alone.

Sephari quickly went into her mother's room. She rummaged through her mother's stuff,

She grabbed her tablet, unlocking it. She wanted to make sure that her game progress was saved and that her mom didn't delete anything.

Everything was still the way it was. She grabbed her table, gently placing in on the ground.

Before she left, she put everything back. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a Ziploc bag full of sugar.

She picked it up with wide eyes of wonderment.

"I wonder what sugar smells like.", she whispered to herself.

She opened the bag, grabbing a good bit of it. She copied her mother's process and started sprinkling it all over the dresser in a crooked line.

She bent over, sniffing a little bit before her older brother, Savari, came in.

"Sephari, what the fuck?", he exclaimed, grabbing her.

"Vari, my nose feels funny.", she whined.

"Of course it does. Your stupid ass just did crack.", he mumbled.

"I'm not stupid.", she argued.

"You are way too young to be a powderpuff girl. You not supposed to be doing this shit at all. What is wrong with you?", he asked.

Sephari felt tears flooding her eyes. She never liked making her brother upset. She couldn't even look directly into his eyes.

She felt like his eyes were piercing into her soul. She didn't know she was doing anything wrong.

"I just wanted to know what sugar smelled like. I'm sorry.", she cried.

Savari's face expression softened, but he was still furious. He wasn't furious at Sephari, but he was furious at their mother.

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