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𝖯𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽, 𝖮𝗋𝖾𝗀𝗈𝗇 - 11:00 AM

Kynsei walked into a corner store, getting greeted by the cashier.

She went to one to one of the aisles where her favorite snacks were stored. She wanted to get something to eat before going to another support group session.

The door opened again, causing the little bell to ring.

Sephari walked into the store, also getting greeted by the cashier. She had to act like she was buying something, just so she could get away from Yolanda.

She looked up and made eye contact with Kynsei.

"I see your nose got better.", Kynsei joked.

"Yeah, I guess.", Sephari replied.

"I don't know how you can drink those.", Kynsei mumbled, referring to the sprite that Sephari held in her hand.

"You don't like sprite?", she asked.

"It tastes like a screenshot.", Kynsei shrugged.

She just prefers alcohol, but moving on...

The door's little bell rang three times. Three people walked in, side-by-side.

They made immediate eye contact with Sephari. They all mugged her before splitting up.

"I hate pink camouflage pants. Like what the hell are you hunting for? Flamingos?", Kynsei mumbled, looking at Omiya's pants.

Sephari started laughing, but quickly stopped.

Omiya mugged them and started to make her way over to them.

"Fuck is funny?", she asked.

"Gir-move out of our way.", Sephari responded, mugging her.

"Bitch, I beat your ass once and I'll beat your ass again.", Omiya threatened.

"First off, she beat your ass, but go off. Second, we are grown, you acting like a little kid. Grow up.", Kynsei pitched in.

"I'll beat your ass too.", Omiya said, snapping her head towards Kynsei.

"You not touching nobody. You most definitely not touching Kynsei, so move.", Sephari snapped.

"I'll touch who I want to touch. Just like how you touch and sniff crack.", Omiya shot back.

Omiya's loud voice made Sephari's head hurt. She hates loud noises, it sets off her headache.

Keon and Adrian walked over to all three of them.

"Omiya, leave them alone. You know that shit was disrespectful.", Keon said.

"Keon, shut the hell up.", she huffed.

Sephari pushed past all of them, paying for her stuff, and leaving. Everybody was irritating her.

Kynsei was about to go after her, but Keon and Adrian stopped her.

"She left, you'll see her at the group thing.", Keon said.

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