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𝐊𝐲𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐢 𝐋. 𝐎𝐚𝐤𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝
𝖯𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽, 𝖮𝗋𝖾𝗀𝗈𝗇 ⇒ 4:00 PM


Kynsei walked downstairs, trying not to be seen by her mother. She eventually bumped into her.

"Move the hell out my way and go upstairs, so you can change.", Kynsei's mom, Courtney, demanded.

"Why do I have to change?", Kynsei asked.

"Because my man is coming over and I don't want him to see you in that.", she answered.

"But, why is that such a problem? I don't even have to be near y'all, I can just go upstairs and stay there.", Kynsei said.

Courtney went up to her daughter and slapped her.

"Don't talk back to me.", she growled.

"But, it makes no sense as to why I have to change.", she protested.

"So, you just tryna steal my man? With them little ass shorts on?", Courtney asked.

"Which one?", Kynsei mumbled.

Courtney slapped her again, even harder this time. She would've kept going, but the food was burning.

Just like her pumpum, but that's besides the point...

Kynsei gripped her face, fighting back tears. She went upstairs to put on some baggy clothes.

After changing, she went into her secret compartment. She pulled out a tall bottle of liquor.

She reached for some shot glasses that she kept hidden in her dresser, pouring liquor into them.

She took a good amount of shots before feeling a little tipsy. She tried to walk, but she stumbled over her steps.

She heard someone coming, so she shoved everything under her bed. Getting a water bottle, she took a few swigs, trying to sober up.

"Did you change your slutty clothes already?", Courtney asked, walking into her room.

"Yes ma'am. I got an oversized jacket and sweatpants on.", Kynsei said, hiccuping through her sentence.

"Why are you hiccuping like that?", Courtney asked.

"I just drank a bottle of water really fast. That makes people hiccup nonstop sometimes.", she answered.

Kynsei used to be so scared of her mom. Scratch off that used to because she still is scared.

Courtney raised an eyebrow before shrugging it off.   She also heard the doorbell ring and started smirking. She went back downstairs, opening the door for her fourth boyfriend.

"Let's just skip all this dinner shit. Just give me what I called you here for.", she said, taking his hand and winking at him.

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