Chapter 4: Appointment

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Not everyday did Kieran's old professor call him to ask to meet up. Not everyday did Kieran accept the offer, either. For old time's sake, he made the appointment and arrived on campus in a timely manner. 

Kieran didn't expect anything to come from it. His way of life? Expect little and get a lot in return. For most things. It was safer that way. 

A black car rolled to a stop nearby as Kieran waltzed onto the campus. 

Kieran tossed a salute their direction, but didn't give them much time or thought. He came for one purpose only: to satisfy his curiosity. His professor sounded eager to meet, which was completely out of character for the old party-pooper. How could Kieran say no to the meeting when he clearly needed to know the why behind the request?

The fountain looked cleaner than he remembered. Perhaps the school finally came to their senses and got someone to look after it. Kieran had always hated the fact that they didn't care to appreciate the craftsmanship of the solid stone fountain. 

Judging by the number of coins shimmering in the late morning sun, the students also appreciated the sculpture. At least some in the younger generations had sense. 

Kieran hiked his bag higher on his shoulder and bypassed the fountain to head for the Arts building. He knew the way well. 

Had it really been almost four years since he left this place? Kieran didn't keep track of time well. No one would, when they were living day to day in hopes of seeing a better tomorrow. 

Professor McNally waved a hand as he scurried out of the art building. "Mr. Colburn, how lovely to see you again!" 

Kieran chuckled. Lovely? He doubted that the old man meant it. Back then, Kieran had been the bane of Professor McNally's existence. However, he had also been the reason for a full classroom. Kieran wasn't shy to admit that. 

"Long time, no see, old man." Kieran met the professor at the foot of the steps. "To what do I owe the honor of this meeting?" 

"It's my lunch break. Let's eat before we talk business." Professor McNally patted Kieran's shoulder. "You remember where the cafeteria is, don't you?" 

Did he? Of course, he did. Kieran knew the campus like the back of his own hand, so the question had been unnecessary. He had never seen Professor McNally stall for time before, so this must be some sort of test. What could the old professor be after?

Fine. Okay. Two could play this game. Kieran would admit his curiosity. He would play along. For now. 

"As the senior, why don't you lead the way?" 

Professor McNally laughed aloud. "Since when has seniority mattered to you?" 

A decent point. Kieran had never thought much about the matter. He grew up in a household where seniority mattered more than life or death. Chucking aside that perception had felt like freedom at the time. Since then, he had learned that the world worked in a hierarchy, no matter your race, religion, or social status. Most people just didn't realize it. 

Kieran fell in step beside his old professor. "You didn't mention anything about lunch when we scheduled this." 

"If I don't eat now, when will I eat?" 

Alright. This persona, Kieran knew. The high-and-mighty photography professor had returned. He must be feeling insecure about something. 

With a point to prove, Kieran remained silent. Silence never bothered him. He learned to use it to his advantage. In many areas. The normal human felt the need to fill the silence. 

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