Chapter 53: Thwarted

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Naomi recognized the dark shadow looming nearby the cabin. He had scared her one too many times, and now she knew both his name and his presence. Instinct and experience told her that if Donovan had arrived, Kieran must have called him. After her argument with Kieran in the clearing, Naomi could see where he would try to take control of the situation. Donovan seemed like a "take control" kind of person.

For reasons unknown to Naomi, Donovan's presence didn't concern her. Instead, it made her feel safer. Though Donovan often loomed around like a ghost, he had never done anything to hurt her. Kieran seemed to trust him. Naomi took that as her cue to trust Donovan, as well.

Because Naomi had never trusted anyone as much as she trusted Kieran Colburn.

Claire used her key to open the cabin door. "You coming?"


Naomi turned her attention away from Donovan. He would do his job, whatever that was, and she would pretend she never saw him.

Claire waited for Naomi to enter the small cabin before she closed and locked the door again.

"You're being vigilant," Naomi pointed out.

Claire shrugged. "I'm not trying to invite boys through our front door. Seriously, be sure to close your curtains and lock your window, too. College boys are the worst."

"You think I don't know that?" Naomi laughed.

"Aw, how cute." Claire reached out to pinch Naomi's cheeks. "My little sheltered bean thinking she knows all about big bad college boys."

Annoyed, Naomi swatted Claire's hands away from her face. Everyone assumed that she couldn't handle herself around scheming people. They were right, usually, but Naomi didn't like the assumption.

Since she didn't want to explain all of that to Claire, Naomi turned and headed for bed.

The cabin had a set of bedrooms, one for each guest. Considering she had never shared a bedroom before, Naomi found the arrangements to be comfortable. She had a habit of mumbling in her sleep and if Claire's personality said anything about her, Claire probably snored. Having that little bit of privacy might keep their friendship intact.

Seeing as how Claire conked out as soon as her head hit her pillow, Naomi had the bathroom all to herself for a nice long shower. For possibly the first time in her life, Naomi didn't worry about taking too much time or being questioned about what she had been doing as soon as she left the bathroom. With the flow of hot water, Naomi found her stress washing away as well.

In the quiet, she need not worry. Too bad that the quiet didn't last nearly as long as she would have liked.

Naomi didn't bother to turn on the lights when she returned to her room, perhaps her biggest mistake. Or, perhaps, a fortuitous twist of fate to allow her to hear what happened next.

Whether she blamed the thin windowpanes or her own good hearing, it didn't matter. The knock came first, anyway.

At first, Naomi thought she heard a small animal in the trees or a falling rock. But the knock came again, this time a little louder on the windowpane.

"What are you doing?" a dark voice asked.

Naomi's fingers stilled halfway to the curtain. She recognized the voice as Donovan's, so who had knocked?

"Dude, make a sound next time! You scared the bejeebies out of me." Ben's voice.

Naomi folded her arms and raised her brows. An interesting duo. What had Ben needed that he came to the window instead of the door? In a split second, Naomi decided to let the two outside work it out. She might learn something.

"I asked what you're doing," Donovan reiterated.

Ben's pause could have been surprise, but Naomi put her money on a derisive snort or some such nonsense. "What's it to you?"

Donovan remained silent. Naomi could picture it without having to look out through the curtain. If Donovan had one thing perfected, it was his cold stare.

"I'm here to see someone," Ben finally answered.


"Oh, please, don't tell me you've never helped a girl sneak out late at night."

"Move away from the window."

"Come on, man, I've had my eye on her all day. Cut me some slack and let me have some fun."

"Ah, so that's the plan." A third voice arrived, this one so familiar that it made Naomi's heart skip a beat.

Even though no one on the outside could see her, Naomi flattened herself against the wall beside the window. As if that would keep Kieran from knowing her whereabouts. Maybe it helped her feel more at ease. Naomi didn't ask herself about it.

"I should have known it was you," Ben grumbled. "You don't play fair. Bringing some thug into this."

"I'd love to hear your definition of fair," Kieran threw back. "Somewhere other than outside Naomi's window. Let's go."

"Don't act all high and mighty. You're no better than me." Ben's voice rose, as if he wanted the world to hear it. "I know your reputation."

"Watch it, Mr. Porter," Kieran growled.

"You've been blocking me all day," Ben went on as if he didn't care. "Why's that? You want a go at the pure, innocent girl? Should we draw straws to see who gets her first?"

Wham! The wall shook with the force of a body hitting it. Naomi ventured a peek out of the curtains, only to see a seething Kieran pressing his forearm against Ben's collarbone. With enough force to pin the boy to the outside of the cabin.

"Whoa, prof, calm down there," Ben chuckled, but it sounded more scared than it did humorous. "What's the deal?"

Kieran's fierce glare didn't let up or look away. He stared at Ben as if he could melt his bones. Donovan watched without doing a thing.

And then, finally, Kieran spoke, his voice low and his teeth gritted. "Say something like that about her again, and I will—"

"What? Flunk me? You're just a sub, anyway."

"Flunk you? No." Kieran's laugh was full of spite and rage. "But I will make absolutely certain that you never have the chance to work in our industry again."

"You can't—"

"I can. Trust me." Kieran gave his arm a push, this time closer to Ben's throat. "So stay away from her. Do I make myself clear?"

Ben swallowed, his arrogant persona falling into sheer terror. "Yes."

"Just yes?"

"Yes, sir."

Kieran released Ben, throwing his hands up as if he had surrendered. Quite the opposite. Naomi would say that Kieran had won that fight.

Ben scuttled off, while Kieran merely offered a short sentence to Donovan.

"Watch over her."

Naomi couldn't remember a time when she felt like this. Her mother had watched her, too closely, and had smothered her time and again. Oliver's watchful eye felt much like that. But Kieran... he had stood up for her. Made sure danger never found her. Left Donovan as a guard.

For the first time in her life, Naomi understood what it meant to feel protected.  

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