Chapter 51: Tension

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Naomi couldn't quite get her head on straight. The hike was nice. Ben was pleasant, as were other students they crossed paths with. But Kieran was close by, too, and she found herself too distracted to enjoy the scenery.

Knowing better than to do anything that would start rumors, Naomi kept her distance from Kieran. That didn't stop her from noticing when he looked at her. Nor did it stop her from sensing a strange sort of tension between Kieran and Ben. Ben never said or did anything rude, Kieran never bashed or berated Ben either. But the distaste in their expressions tipped Naomi off.

If only she had known how that tension would snap.

"Watch out," Ben said as he moved a hanging branch out of Naomi's pathway.

Naomi offered him a smile solely meant to thank him for helping her out. Her smile ended the moment that Ben's arm landed across her shoulders.

Involuntarily, Naomi shot a glance to Kieran. His expression said nothing, but those deep, dark eyes of his burned like fire. If he could have made Ben's arm combust, Naomi was pretty sure he would have. Kieran didn't have that kind of superpower, but for the longest moment, Kieran's intense stare bored into Ben's hand murderously.

"I heard the campfire tonight is supposed to be crowded." Ben went on like nothing happened, his arm still situated across Naomi's shoulders. "Let's be sure we don't leave each other's sides. Less chance of getting lost. Okay?"

Naomi never got the chance to reply to Ben. Two interruptions made it impossible to form a reply.

Kieran marched past Ben and Naomi, shooting only one sentence over his shoulder. "We're almost to the clearing, so hurry it up."

"Benny boy!" Claire swooped in, extricating Naomi from Ben's hold and placing herself under his arm instead. "I have something to tell you, come with me for a minute."

Claire had never given anyone a choice about whether or not to listen to her. That's the kind of personality she had. Without preamble or hesitance, Claire dragged Ben down the path toward the Fairytale Clearing, leaving Naomi alone in the quiet.

Pensive Naomi mulled over the things that had happened on the path. She had never seen Kieran so angry, even when others were kind to her like Ben had been kind. Kieran always remained cool and collected. What had so sparked his rage that he would look like... that?

Naomi would have gladly read into the situation to figure out how to deal with it, but the Fairytale Clearing appeared before her too soon.

True to its name, the forest clearing looked as though a fairytale had stepped into it. A large tree sported doors and nooks that might house forest creatures. A miniature cottage had been erected near the entrance. Benches and tables for resting scattered around in a variety of shapes and sizes that screamed "enchanted".

Other students had arrived and were taking photos or lounging about to rest. Naomi took that as her cue to enter.

She had just passed the back corner of the miniature cottage when a hand reached out to grab her elbow. The suddenness of the yank that followed allowed Naomi no time to make a sound or process what had happened.

Her back landed against the side of the cottage.

Kieran pressed a hand over her mouth to stop any scream that might have leaped from her.

Naomi heaved a sigh. Just Kieran. She didn't understand why he felt the need to pull her aside, but she trusted him to not harm her. A single shove of her palm pushed Kieran's hand off of her mouth.

"What's wrong?" Naomi shot at him like a bullet.

Kieran shrugged a shoulder. "Thought you might need a break for a minute."

"From what?"

Kieran didn't answer aloud, but he craned his neck to see around the corner of the cottage. As if he feared they would be interrupted.

"You're being secretive," Naomi pointed out. "People might talk."

"You shouldn't be pointing the finger about starting rumors."

Naomi tipped her head, thinking that maybe if she saw Kieran at a different angle, she would understand better how he thought. "Is this about Ben?"

As if she had found the magic words, Kieran's full attention turned to her.

Naomi, aware now of how to push Kieran's buttons, relaxed against the cottage wall. "Ben is quite a gentleman, you know. Attentive. Kind. Easy to talk to."

"Ben? A gentleman?" Kieran snorted. "As if."

"No, really." Naomi shook her head at Kieran, knowing the more that she poked his ego, the more irritated he would become. "I think you're biased for some reason."

Kieran's hands landed on the wall on either side of Naomi's shoulders. "I think you're just gullible."

Naomi had seen this trick before, from him. This time, Naomi managed to keep her cool. On the outside, at least. His close proximity never failed to make her heart race and her head spin, but in this situation she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

"Gullible? How?" Naomi folded her arms as nonchalantly as she dared. "Do you know something I don't know about Ben?"

"You're standing here in the shadows with me, being all secretive."

"That's not an answer to my question."

"Someone like you, I think you would care if people talked about all the men you're leading on."

Naomi huffed a laugh. Kieran had made a point that would have affected her, had it been a few months ago. Lately, she had cared less and less what others thought of her. She had never had the best reputation with them, anyway.

"You should stay away from Ben," Kieran warned, his voice low but finally calm again.

Naomi inhaled sharply. Thinking on her feet had never been her strong suit, but she suddenly had a feeling which words may irritate Kieran the most. After all, he had said he didn't want to be friends.

"Why should I? It's not like you and I are in a relationship or anything? I'm still blissfully unattached."

The twitch of Kieran's nose was the only response that Naomi got. That and a look she had seen many times from his eyes. A perusal of her, as if sizing her up or trying to take her down.

"What? You jealous?" Naomi forced a smirk onto her lips, toying with Kieran the same way he tugged at her heartstrings.

Only one problem. Naomi suddenly realized that she wished he was jealous. She wished he did have the status and authority to tell her not to get too close to Ben.

"What am I going to do with you?" Kieran muttered. Naomi wagered he hadn't meant to say it loud enough for her to hear, judging by the way he cleared his throat and stepped back. "Fine. Do whatever you want. But since you won't protect yourself, know that I'll do that job for you."

"Can I leave now?" Naomi ducked her head to hide her disappointment. Did Kieran not like her as much as he said he did? Was he one of those infamous playboys who led women around and then left them just as easily?

If she hadn't seen the good in him time and time again, Naomi would have thought so.

Kieran waved an arm toward the clearing.

Naomi took that as her chance to flee. And flee she did.  

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