Chapter 69: Hurt

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Naomi didn't know how she had managed to get roped into this. She hadn't known parties could look like this. Her mother had never allowed her to attend anything other than business dinners and the occasional birthday party. Nothing to the extent of the craziness swirling around her.

Oliver hadn't specified the kind of party when he invited her. Nor had he told her mother anything more specific when he asked permission to take Naomi out for the evening. Ms. Rowe had agreed too quickly, too easily. Like she always did with Oliver.

Try as she might, Naomi couldn't quite figure out what was going on with her mother's adoration toward Oliver. Naomi hated having suspicions toward her friend, but his and her mother's behaviors were all conspicuous.

Especially the part where Oliver bought her the velvet dress. Oliver had wanted to buy a dress worth a larger fortune, but Naomi had refused. It felt too much like he was preparing her for something she had no choice about. Naomi knew about give and take. Oliver had given too much.

"You want to try?" Oliver held a champagne flute in front of Naomi's face.

Naomi had never imbibed alcohol before, per her mother's instructions. But, even as rebellious as she had been to attend this party, Naomi didn't think it was a good idea to start drinking now. Too many things felt wrong.

"You know I don't drink," Naomi reprimanded Oliver.

Oliver grinned. "I won't tell."

"No." Naomi pushed his hand away, refusing the drink outright before he could try to convince her to give in.

"Come on, Naomi." Oliver leaned closer so she could better hear him. "You look like a sourpuss sitting here. Aren't you having any fun?"

The truth was, Naomi wasn't sure what she was supposed to do at a party like this. For the majority of the night, she had been sitting next to Oliver like a trophy. Naomi had never liked the feeling of being watched. Nor did she like the seedy aura this party gave off.

"Not really," were the words she found to summarize all her feelings.

Oliver scooted an inch closer, wrapping his arm a little tighter around Naomi's shoulders. "I can make it more fun for you, if you want."

It sounded so much like something Kieran would say that it made Naomi freeze for a second. All the disappointment and confusion of her first kiss came back like a flood. Had he meant all he said? Did he really approach her just to use her? Or had it been so much more?

"The one who cares the most about you is often the one who pushes you the farthest away." Michelle's words came back to her as vividly as if they had been spoken aloud again.

Naomi rose to her feet, leaving Oliver's embrace with the speed of an escaping rabbit. "I need to use the restroom."

Oliver moved to follow her.

Naomi held up a hand. "Alone. I can find it on my own."

Oliver considered her words for a moment too long, but he nodded in the end. "Hurry back or I'll come looking."

Not caring much whether he came looking or not, Naomi waved a hand as her answer.

The restroom sat down the hall at the bottom of the balcony stairs. Naomi had scoped out all her options of solitude when she entered the building. The door had been propped open, leaving the sink area open to the hall, but Naomi didn't care. She hadn't come for complete privacy. She had come to gather her thoughts and remind her heart to calm down.

Everything reminded her of Kieran, especially after their final conversation. It hadn't been long, but if she felt nothing for him, Naomi knew she could have moved on.

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