Chapter 92: Dirt

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For the life of him, Kieran did not understand why Tawny was standing on the other side of the table from him. Had he not made it abundantly clear that they were over? She had pushed it too far. He wouldn't go back.

So why was she at his workplace with a smug grin on her face?

Considering that Tawny had a tendency to over-share her thoughts, Kieran didn't find it necessary to ask her why she had come. If he waited long enough, she would get to the point on her own. But, boy, were the ticking seconds grating on his nerves.

"It's been a while," Tawny started, her voice high-pitched and too cute-sounding for someone with her personality.

Kieran arched his brows at her. "It's over between us. There's no reason to see each other."

"What do you mean? Wasn't it just a fight?"

"I very specifically told you never to come near me again." Kieran snatched his camera and turned toward the offices. At least there he could lock her out. "I won't see you to the door."

"Kieran, wait!" Tawny shot around the table, her arms flung wide as if that would stop his retreat. "Wait. Just hear me out for a minute."

"We're not getting back together. So no." Kieran side-stepped, meaning to skirt around her and flee.

Tawny dropped to her knees, her hands pressing together in a pleading motion. "I was wrong! I'm sorry. I was so wrong. Give me one more chance."

"Already told you. It's not happening."

"I'm on my knees begging!" Tawny's tears started, flowing like a bloody river. "I can't be alone, you know that. No one wants me. You don't even want me anymore."

Kieran had heard the manipulation a thousand times, but this time he didn't want to turn a blind eye to it. His inability to say no had been Tawny's downfall. He should have been a better influence in the beginning. Now, because of all they had been through, he could easily figure out what she really wanted.

"I'm not giving you money, one way or another."

Tawny's fingers reached up to grab hold of his sleeve, tugging desperately. "Just a few thousand. Just for interest."

"No. I said I'm done."

"I can't pay Patrick back!" Tawny gave another tug on Kieran's sleeve. "Do you know what happens to me if I can't pay him back the money?"

Kieran ripped his arm away from her hold. "So get a job. Work. Make money and slowly pay back the loans. I'll talk to Patrick about a payment plan, but that's the most I'll do for you."

"Have you always been this heartless?" Tawny spat.

Kieran offered a wry laugh, tired already of her games. "This is the most merciful thing I've ever done for you. I didn't expect you to appreciate it."

"How is this merciful?" Tawny scrambled to her feet, her face contorted into a mask of pure rage. "I want it to be like it always has been!"

"Never again."

"Why not?!"

A thousand responses flitted through Kieran's head like fireflies, but not one of them made it to his mouth. Not because he didn't want to give Tawny a good tongue-lashing. He did.

But Donovan's voice echoed from the back door to Kieran's ears. "We've got a problem."

Tawny spun, her hands going to her hips in sheer defiance. "We're talking, can't you see that?"

Donovan had known Tawny for a long time, and Kieran knew he had never liked her. For the longest time, Donovan had been quiet about his dislike out of respect for Kieran. Now that Kieran and Tawny had nothing to do with one another, Donovan took the opportunity to ignore her altogether.

"It's about Naomi."

Kieran didn't like the look on Donovan's face. It took a lot to alarm someone of Donovan's caliber, and he looked extremely alarmed.

"My office," Kieran instructed, already pushing his way around Tawny.

Tawny latched onto his arm, her nails digging into his skin. "You're really leaving me here for that girl?"

"Yes." Once more, Kieran dragged his arm out of her hold.

"Why her and not me?" Tawny screeched after him.

Kieran merely shook his head. Naomi was everything that Tawny would never be. But Tawny didn't need to hear that. It would only fuel her obsession.

To the tune of Tawny's tantrum, Kieran led Donovan into his office and closed the door. "What's going on?"

"Do you know where Naomi Rowe is nowadays?" Donovan asked, completely avoiding Kieran's question.

Kieran couldn't have taken a seat if he wanted to. Donovan seemed antsy, and that took more than a little bad news. "She has a flight today. Probably, she's already gone."

"Are you certain she made it to her flight?"

"Donovan, you're being scary. What's going on?" Kieran folded his arms to control his trembling fingers. "Is Naomi in some kind of danger? What did you find out?"

Donovan retrieved a stack of papers from his pocket. "I got the information back on Oliver Bettencourt."

"And?" Kieran snatched the papers, unfurling them in hopes of receiving some answers.

"He has a juvie record. And a lot of psychiatry records." Donovan pointed at the papers. "Apparently that's mostly what he was doing while he was away. Seeing a psychiatrist because of delusions and obsessive behavior. It was mandated in a settlement."

Kieran flipped pages, looking for the information that Donovan had just spewed. He found the settlement halfway down the stack.

"What was he being charged with?" Kieran asked as he searched the paper for the same information.

Donovan went silent, which spoke louder than his words. Donovan's refusal to answer meant only bad tidings.

Kieran found the charge at the bottom of the page, around the same time that Donovan finally managed to answer.

"Stalking. And abduction."

Kieran dropped the papers on his desk with one hand, the other hand already furiously searching for his phone. He dialed Naomi's number and waited, not so patiently.

"Find out if she got on that plane," Kieran commanded.

Donovan already had his phone in his hand, making calls to his connections to satisfy Kieran's curiosity.

Meanwhile, Naomi's number rang to voicemail. The second time Kieran dialed, it didn't even ring.

"Forget it. Make your calls in the car." Kieran grabbed his jacket and darted for the door.

If Oliver Bettencourt had done anything to Naomi Rowe, Kieran wouldn't hesitate to make him suffer. Naomi's life had finally started to get back on track. If Annoying Oliver got in the way, he would face the full force of Kieran Colburn's rage.

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