Chapter 50: Predator

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In the sea of chaos caused at the beginning of a retreat, Kieran had unfortunately lost sight of Naomi. It would have made him more nervous if he didn't know her defensive shield as well as he did. Even if this Ben character did corner her, Naomi had the spine of a porcupine.

Knowing that didn't make Kieran feel any better about the things he had overheard.

Sure, he had targeted Naomi, too. But that was different. He only intended to take her money, not anything else. From the sound of things, Ben wanted her as a trophy. Try as he might to convince himself that he didn't care what happened to Naomi, Kieran didn't like the thought of Naomi diving head-first into something she had no idea how to handle.

For his own sanity, he should find her before something happened.

With a too-aggressive jerk of his arm, Kieran hiked his bag over his shoulder. The clipboard went under his other arm. He would ditch it once he made it to the professors' cabin.

"Mr. Colburn," called a familiar voice.

Trying his best to be congenial and friendly, Kieran stopped to turn his attention to his fellow chaperone. "Ms. VanCamp."

"I'm splitting up the activities between retreat counselors. Would you prefer to oversee food preparation or chaperone the hike?"

Neither, but Kieran realized he didn't have much of a choice. "I'll take the hike."

The decision had been obvious. Naomi, if she deigned to do anything besides stay in her room, would choose something where she didn't have to interact with others. Kieran could keep an eye out for her and snap a few nature photographs while he was at it. That's what he called a win-win situation.

Ms. VanCamp noted his choice on her own clipboard, then waved a hand through the air. "Good choice. Be ready in twenty minutes. I think some of the students have already started to head for the trail."

Kieran gave a nod of understanding. He couldn't offer much more than that with the way his brain kept spinning. Maybe that hike would do him good, clear his head.

Ms. VanCamp scurried off to finish her work, leaving Kieran to trudge to the suspiciously gloomy cabin assigned to the professors. He had just thrown his bag onto his bed when the phone in his back pocket rang.

Kieran answered without even looking at the caller ID.

"Are you sure you don't need me to stick closer?" Donovan asked without preamble.

Kieran gave a snort, somewhere between a laugh and a heavy sigh. "I think I can handle a bunch of petty college kids on my own, don't you?"

"You'd be surprised."

"I told you that if I needed your help I would call you in. You're close enough." Kieran rolled his eyes.

Donovan may be his friend, but Donovan was also a spy. Kieran knew it. Donovan knew that Kieran knew it. Itwas the only way the two of them could maintain the balance in their relationship for this many years. The only reason that Kieran hadn't cut him off ages ago.

"I'm always waiting for your call," Donovan reminded him.

Kieran nodded, then realized that Donovan couldn't see him through the phone. "Yeah, I know. Like I said, I don't need you right now. Enjoy an overnight vacation."

"You know I have to report this to her."

"I know. Do your job."

Kieran hung up before he and Donovan could get further into that argument. They had discussed that situation too many times to count. He didn't need another rehash of the situation right now. He needed to go weed out the douche who thought he could get a handle on Naomi Rowe. There were rules to every game. No exception for this one. Kieran didn't like when other people broke the game's rules.

Snatching only a jacket to take along, Kieran stormed out of the cabin and toward the hiking trail. A smattering of students had already gathered at the trail's entrance, more on their way from around the retreat.

Deep breath, steady yourself. You can do this. Kieran squared his shoulders and put on his most pleasant Professor Face.

"Afternoon, everyone."

A passel of giggly girls turned to squeal in dissonant harmony. Others didn't look very impressed.

"Listen," Kieran continued. "I'm not here to hinder your fun. I'm just here in case you have problems. If something life-threatening happens, come find me. If not, let's all meet up at the Fairytale Clearing at the middle of the trails in..." he checked his watch, "We'll say two hours. Got it?"

An unenthusiastic chorus of affirmatives graced Kieran's ears.

"And, for the love of Pete, everyone stay in groups of two or more, okay?"

Yet another affirmative. Couples and friend groups broke off from one another and started down the trail.

"...told you, you don't have to come." Naomi's voice floated from somewhere over Kieran's left shoulder.

He never should have turned to look, but he did. The sight turned Kieran's stomach and forced his fists to grip his jacket too tightly.

At the very least, Naomi had Claire to guard her, but with the way a tall and handsome playboy followed along behind them, even Claire wouldn't be able to hold him off forever. He stared at Naomi not like a puppy following an owner, but like a wolf stalking its prey.

"Hiking?" Kieran asked, the only word he could manage to push out of his throat.

"It's the only thing I could convince them to do with me." The boy shrugged his shoulders.

Kieran ignored him, settling his gaze instead on Naomi and expecting her to say something.

Naomi rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I told him not to follow us."

Good. At least her quills were pointing in the right direction this time. Just to be sure that he had identified his target correctly, Kieran held out a hand toward the wolf-boy.

"Kieran Colburn, substitute professor of photography. You are?"

"Ben Porter. I take the class you're teaching."

Of course he did. Kieran shook Ben's hand more out of a need to look calm than any actual courtesy. The artistic types like Ben weren't to be trusted when it came to women.

Kieran's eyes met Naomi's stare when they turned away from Ben. It did nothing to calm him, but everything to steel his resolve.

"I'll hike the trail with you, then, since I don't have a group." Kieran said it like an offer, but he meant it as a command. Ben Porter had all the signs of a predator, and Kieran didn't intend to leave him any opportunity to pounce.

Ben didn't look particularly happy about the change of plan, but as always Claire seemed to be on Kieran's side.

"Sounds great!" Claire wrapped an arm around Naomi's and steered her forward. "Let's get going."

Thankful that Claire seemed to know what to choose, but a little disappointed he wouldn't be able to have a proper conversation with Naomi, Kieran fell in line behind the girls. Nevermind that he could feel Ben's gaze boring into his skull. Kieran had never feared boys like Ben. If anything, Ben should fear Kieran.

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